The Story of the Aqua Blue Purse
This is a post about something that isn’t really important, at least not when compared to what I have been writing about.
This is a post about a purse, my aqua blue leather purse that I bought while on vacation almost six years ago.
This is not a good picture but this is the purse I’m talking about. Normally I wouldn’t remember when I bought it but you see the little charms on the front? Abby liked to try and eat them when she was a baby. She’s six years old now, so that’s about the age of my purse.
I have girlfriends who are “purse people.” Their purses have names, designer names that I can’t pronounce and can’t even think of at the moment. I am not that into purses. To me a purse is a necessary evil. I need it because I have lots of important stuff that I have to carry around. If it looks nice and is functional, well that’s a plus.
I don’t know if it was the color, the different little charms on the front or the feel of the soft leather, but from the first moment I saw it I really liked it. I bought it, brought it home and have been carrying it off and on ever sense.
Purses don’t last forever and this one started looking worn last summer but I couldn’t make myself get rid of it. Now the leather has really cracked, I’ve lost one of the charms and it’s more than a little dirty. Okay, it’s nasty. It’s not even fit for a yard sale. It needs to go in the trash can but I can’t make myself do it.
How in the world did someone who doesn’t care enough about purses to know designer names end up so attached to a purse that she carries it off and on for almost six years and then can’t make herself get rid of it?
I don’t know, but it happened.
And that my friends is the sad but true story of my aqua blue purse, that is now resting in peace in the back of my closet amidst shoes and dust bunnies because I can’t make myself throw it away.
The end.
But wait, one more thing before you go.
October is breast cancer awareness month and there is something you can do.
Become a part of the NanaHood Friends and Family Team and help the Susan G. Komen Foundation change the future. Don’t do it for me. Do it for my cousin Martha and all the women you know who are engaged in a battle they didn’t want to fight.
If you can bake a cupcake you can help save a life. Bake cupcakes…decorate them pink and sell for a dollar. Then donate the money to the Susan G. Komen foundation through my NanaHood Friends and Family Team.

Great idea! Will do it!
Thanks for stopping by! I visited your site and so glad your daughter enjoyed the musical! She’s a cutie and really looked attentive as she watched the show!
Nice purse, great with jeans
I can see how you’ve become attached to it
Stopping by from Hopalong Friday bloghop!
The Twerp and I
Teresa, take a really GOOD photo of your purse… add it to this post, and then toss. You will have immortalized your favorite purse and honored it far more with that than by shoving it in the back of the closet never to be heard from again
Of course, that’s always easier said than done, but you can do it! I know you can.