Suddenly Summer Is Over and Fall Is Here

As I write this I’m sitting on the back porch listening to the birds. A gentle breeze of cool air touches my cheeks and I notice the leaves on the burning bushes outside my porch windows are turning red. Not everyone lives in a place where they experience the change of seasons and I’m sure I don’t appreciate it as much as I should because I have always lived where spring turns into summer and summer yields to fall, then winter. However, the older I get the more I am aware that every season brings it’s own particular blessings.

Fall is “back to school” time and watching my grandchildren mask up to start school makes my heart sad for them. I know that children adapt and adjust better than adults, but still….it isn’t fair. This pandemic isn’t fair and I hate it for so many reasons but that’s another post on another day.

Today I’m celebrating fall.

I’m thankful for….. cooler weather that makes me want to snuggle up with a blanket and a good book in front of a fire.

…chili and taco soup.

…trees that turn red, yellow and orange.

…mums, all colors but my favorite are the yellow ones.

….apples, apple cider and apple pie.

…harvest and watching my boys combine.

Pumpkins and little spooks.

She’s pleased with her costume. Can you tell?

Now it’s your turn. Tell me what you love about fall!

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