Gratituesday, Nana’s Work, Grumbling and Complaining


For years and years Mrs. Jones (not her real name) complained about her job.  Then she fell ill and was no longer able to work. After several weeks in the hospital the doctor told her she would never go back to her job again.  I thought Mrs. Jones would be elated. She wasn’t. She was devastated.

It seems she hadn’t really hated working like she thought she did.

So today I’m giving thanks for my job.  I know that there are lots of folks without one who would love the opportunity to work. I know that there are thousands who are ill or injured who are unable to get up every morning and go to a job. I know that know that teaching (part-time) has value and that (hopefully) I am making a difference. I also know that while I may occasionally gripe about something job-connected, I am happy and enjoy what I do.

And that’s just the work I am paid for with money.

As for the rest of my work; the cooking, cleaning, and laundry, I am thankful for that too (although I occasionally complain about that too). It means I am needed and as a mom and a nana and that’s a wonderful thing.


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  1. Thanks for this gentle hint on being grateful for all things. It helps to be reminded from time to time just how blessed I am for all the aspects of my life, even the ones I may grumble at. Off now to complete my tasks for today, with joy in my heart and a smile on my face.


  2. I have been watching laborers working for days on the house and yard across the street from my air conditioned home office. It has been at least 110 degrees out there. The work has been hard while their pay probably little.

    There are many jobs that many of us can’t or won’t do but we need done. I’m grateful to those who are willing to work hard, master their skills, and help others who can’t or won’t help themselves.

  3. That is rigth,lot us complain about there job. I am thankful that I have one to go to.
    I quess Ms.Jones was stress out and need a change just for one day. that helps sometime.
    I am sorry that she can;t work anymore.
    So it paid to be careful for what are saiding or wishing for.
    I try to put in the God’s hands and he will help me get through it.It is hard sometime to do those.

    Thanks for reading this.

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