Reflections From The Kitchen Sink on Appreciation

Appreciation for the small things

This morning, I’m drinking coffee from a styrofoam cup while sitting on a plastic-covered loveseat in a hospital room. My son is in the hospital for routine tests. As I have watched him sleep the last hour or so, I’ve had a flooding of thoughts I thought I’d share.


1.) The whole “don’t blink” advice given to new parents is right. My kiddo is technically a “man” now. Even though he has facial hair, when I look at him sometimes, I still see an innocence in his big eyes, an excitement for some of the simplest things. How in the world is he 19?

2.) When you have a child who isn’t neurotypical, your view of the world is different, and what is “urgent” or deemed a “crisis” looks different. The “normal” in our home would be a “crisis” a lot of places. This hospital stay is just par for the course. Our home averages 3-4 medical appointments per week.

3.) You can do with less. My 6’8” boy was curled up into a ball on a short, twin-sized bed. When you’re tired, you’re tired. He ate food an hour after it was delivered, so the food was somewhat rubberized. When you’re hungry, you’re hungry. A lot of us overlook the blessings in our lives. 

4.) People need rest—even young people. Our society is one of go, go, go. My boy has slept probably 15 or 16 hours of the 24 hours we’ve been here so far. I’m guilty of having “burning daylight” syndrome. Sometimes slowing down to recharge is just as important—if not more so—as pushing to be highly productive.

5.) Every person who’s taken care of Colin here has been friendly. Kindness should be reciprocal. Society seems to be hypercritical. There is a huge push for drama and negativity. If you look for good, you can find it. I appreciate the feel of this hospital. 


6.) There really is no place like home. My bedroom looks like the closets and dresser sneezed all over the place. Yet again, I’m trying to purge things and simplify my existence—there will be a story about that soon—but even with the chaos that awaits my return, I will be glad to be in my space. 

Have a blessed day and go out and purposely seek good. Purpose yourself to identify a blessing or two in your life that you maybe have overlooked lately. Kindness and appreciation are important. I know I will be glad to get back to my kitchen sink and one of my favorite coffee cups. Little things matter…

Until next time…

Bio-Melinda Campbell is a retired educator who currently focuses her efforts on raising her two teenaged boys, advocating for individuals with special needs and against drunk driving, and serving in her local community. Melinda has been gaining recognition for her writings labeled “Reflections from my Kitchen Sink” since the tragic death of her husband Michael in 2015. In her stories, she shares observations from her daily life including moments she has as a solo parent, a widow, and a woman who battles significant health issues including fibromyalgia and depression. BIG ANNOUNCEMENT- New Kitchen Sink Merchandise-Click Here

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One Comment

  1. Bless you all…hope Colin is back to his normal very soon and that Mama can rest, too!
    Thanks for your wise commentary…

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