Reflections From The Kitchen Sink on A Picture
This is a horrible photo. My doc had me on anti-inflammatories that puffed me up—ironic, right? I have no idea why it looks like I’m biting my bottom lip off. The photo wasn’t framed great by the kid who took it, so you see lovely signage in the back. I had no makeup on and had skank hair that was probably rolled up in a plastic clip. Oh, and it looks like my bra strap is showing.

My point? I posted the picture anyway.
This was before all the filter crazy stuff that some folks use now. I’ve still not figured that out. Guess it’s my OLS, Old Lady Syndrome.
Anyway…before I lose you with my verbiage…here is some advice…take the pic. Share the picture. I take a gazillion selfies with my kids and take tons of photos when they aren’t ready or would prefer I didn’t. Life changes in an instant. Just take the stinking photo and put it somewhere for the memories.
Your hair isn’t always going to be coiffed perfectly. Your clothes might be bunched up and make you look fatter than you are. You might have pirate eye. Get over it.
Six years ago, I was on vacation with this piece of hotness, and we were having a good time at the moment this photo was taken. That’s all that matters now.
…and don’t start the “blah, blah, living in the past” garbage. Trust me, I know exactly what today looks like.
That last statement might seem a tad snarky to some. You have no idea some of the poop people say to widows. I’m going to go have more coffee now and try to cherish a good memory for a moment.
Have a dandy day…and post a pic of something good for your kids to see one day.
…until next time…
Note from Teresa – Normally I don’t comment on Melinda’s columns. I love her and her writing, but this column really struck home with me because I am a blogger.
Whether I want to admit it or not there is a higher standard for bloggers when it comes to photography. We strive to get the “perfect shot” and sometimes forget that we are moms, nana, sisters, friends, etc. What constitutes the “perfect” shot anyway?
That depends on the hat you are wearing at the time you make the picture. Sometimes the best photograph isn’t a “perfect” photograph. It’s the memories that go with the picture that make it special. I’m going to take Melinda’s advice and not be so hasty to delete photos that may never appear on my blog or social media. There’s a reason pictures are worth a thousand words….they hold a thousand memories! Thank you, Melinda, for this reminder!
Bio-Melinda Campbell is a retired educator who currently focuses her efforts on raising her two teenaged boys, advocating for individuals with special needs and against drunk driving, and serving in her local community. Melinda has been gaining recognition for her writings labeled “Reflections from my Kitchen Sink” since the tragic death of her husband Michael in 2015. In her stories, she shares observations from her daily life including moments she has as a solo parent, a widow, and a woman who battles significant health issues including fibromyalgia and depression. BIG ANNOUNCEMENT- New Kitchen Sink Merchandise-Click Here