My Honey is a Beekeeper
My husband retired from his public job in January of this year. One of the many things he has done since then is to become a beekeeper. He joined a beekeeping society and goes to monthly meetings and about a month ago he set up his first 3 hives. One of the reasons he did this is because we own a blueberry farm ( and bees increase production.
is fascinated with his bees and truthfully, so am I. Of his three hives one is doing very well, one is average and one didn’t do well. The one that didn’t do well had to have a new queen. Last week a new queen was flown in from California and introduced to the hive. So far, so good.
For those not familiar with beekeeping you can’t just throw a new queen in with the hive, you have to introduce her slowly. Her little cage (or throne, as I call it) was sealed with a piece of hard candy. The worker bees ate through the candy and this took awhile. The whole time they are eating they are getting used to the queen’s smell (body odor? I don’t know, I just know it’s a smell). Between checking on the bees, feeding them sugar water and worrying about his new queen, the hubs is staying very beesy…If you don’t like puns this isn’t the post for you.
I can’t tell you exactly what all the parts to a hive are called but I can tell you that Bill’s bee hives were put together in our basement and that bees have require a lot of parts for their houses!
You will notice that I am not in any of these photographs. There is a very good reason. When I was a little girl my grandfather took me to milk with him. He sat me up in a cattle trough and a swarm of bees happened to live there. They stung me, I wet my pants…I hate bees. End. Of. Story.
We won’t have much honey this year but if things go well, next year we should have more. I may even make homemade biscuits to celebrate!
Do you know a beekeeper? Do you like honey? I may not be fond of bees but I love honey and homemade biscuits!
I want bees very badly! I even read a few books on the process! We love the honey and I wouldn’t mind bottling the extra and selling it. Maybe one day
Those blueberries look ah-mazing! I could never be a bee keeper, although I do love quality honey!
Maybe that’s why I have such a sweet tooth!
Amazing! Yeah, I think an experience like yours would make me slightly bee shy as well. Blueberries and honey. You guys are going to be the sweetest household in history!
Thanks so much for stopping by Susan! It does sound like the name of a book!
Thanks for commenting Lana! I agree!
How fun! Beekeeping is fascinating.
Bees and Blueberries. Sounds like the name of a good book! Thanks for sharing all this information about bees.