Happy Monday

Yesterday was the Super Bowl and for football fans that’s a very big deal. I am not a football fan and to me the only super bowl I care about is the one I pour my cereal in at night when I get up and roam around because I can’t sleep. Eating a bowl of cereal always makes me sleepy.

When I was a history teaching I once asked a student what the Dust Bowl was and he told me it was football game. So, there are bowls and then there are bowls.

This is one of those posts where I spill my thoughts out in the manner they appear in my brain…..very randomly. I have compared what goes on in my head to a pinball machine. The little ball just shoots around up there bouncing off one thought, over to another, then another. Which is why I go to the laundry room and take the laundry out and suddenly remember I was heading to the refrigerator, not the laundry room. But I go ahead and fold the laundry and then can’t remember what it was I wanted in the refrigerator.

Random Thoughts About Being a Grandparent on a Happy Monday

Happy Monday

And another random thought…

Tell me about your grandparents? How did you feel about them? Did they play an important role in your life?

This is a Blog Hop. Please link up and feel free to leave some random thoughts! And Happy Monday! Have a great week!

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  1. I’ve been doing that sort of thing more and more. The other day I parked my car, went to get my mother from the front seat but forgot her walker. She looked at me like, “What am I supposed to do, fly?” My cousin and I were saying that our cars seem to be choosing where we go more than us lately.

  2. I’m so glad you have good memories of your grandma. I want my grands to have good memories of me!

  3. Oh, I’m so sorry you didn’t have grandparents. They were such a big part of my life. Thanks for being a NanaHood friend Patrick!

  4. Both my grandfathers died when my parents were young, so I never knew a grandfather. Both my grandmothers lived with us a few years before they passed so I was able to know them very well and I have many wonderful memories of them which I am grateful for. We are happy to be a presence in our grandchildren’s lives as we see them often They are true blessings in our lives.

  5. Such a beautiful post. I never knew any of my garndparents. Don’t even know on my dad’s side who they are. It is what it is. Thanks for hosting and I hope you enjoy your Super Bowl and have a wonderful week.

  6. I was close to my maternal grandma. I lived with her for a while when I was five years old. I have wonderful memories of our time together. She spoiled me rotten!

  7. My grandmother lived in England but she’d visit for a month (was probably really only a few weeks but felt like a long time) and I loved it. My grandfather lived with us but he was very old and infirm. I didn’t really know him but as I grew older, after he died, I learnt what an amazing person he was. To have a grandparent active in your life, and on your terms is a real treasure. (as a child, it’s the grand parent that plays with you and does your things rather than the formal visits to them than count).

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