Inquiring Minds Want to Know What You Know

Now that I have your attention let me reassure you I am not the IRS and neither am I a Census taker. I don’t want to know your dress size, shoe size, or how you voted in the last election.

I just want to know what you think about grandparents. Why? Because I want to write an article (and maybe down the road a book) about grandparenting. I know how I feel about it, but I don’t know how you do.

So please take just a few minutes and click here to fill out the survey.

I really, really appreciate your help!


PS. This picture of my granddaughter was made yesterday at my daughter’s house. Isn’t she a cutie?

abby and daffodil

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  1. Your granddaughter is so cute! I feel like I’m watching her grow up on here. I know you enjoy every minute you get to be with her!

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