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Love The Movies? You Are Going To “Love The Coopers”

Disclaimer: This is an #ad, #giveaway, and review of #LoveTheCoopers movie. Samples & prizing are provided by CBS FILMS for my review and a prize for one of my readers. 


Before we know it the holidays will be here. Each of us dream about having the picture perfect holiday but that’s not always what happens.

(Left to right) Amanda Seyfried, Jake Lacy, Olivia Wilde, Maxwell Simkins, Blake Baumgartner, John Goodman, Ed Helms, Alan Arkin, Diane Keaton and Alex Borstein (back to camera) in LOVE THE COOPERS to be released by CBS Films and Lionsgate.
(Left to right) Amanda Seyfried, Jake Lacy, Olivia Wilde, Maxwell Simkins, Blake Baumgartner, John Goodman, Ed Helms, Alan Arkin, Diane Keaton and Alex Borstein (back to camera) in LOVE THE COOPERS to be released by CBS Films and Lionsgate.

For example, last year I worked myself into a frenzy cooking Thanksgiving dinner. Our daughter and her family were dining with her in-laws and right in the middle of the” The Blessing,” the 3 year old threw up. Within several hours more of her family and my son’s family joined in on the stomach virus. My husband and I fixed plates for the ones who weren’t throwing up and delivered them with face masks on. Fun times….not.

Love The Coopers follows The Cooper clan as four generations of extended family come together for their annual Christmas Eve celebration. As the evening unfolds, a series of unexpected visitors and unlikely events turn the night upside down, leading them all toward a surprising rediscovery of family bonds and the spirit of the holiday.

At least they don’t all come down with a stomach bug.

Oh well, life happens and you are going to love Diane Keaton’s and John Goodman’s attempt to have the perfect holiday!


I love the tagline on the movie about not being able to regift relatives. I mean, seriously, who doesn’t have at least one relative you wish belonged to another family?

Holiday Stress

There’s just no way around holiday stress. I’ve read every magazine article and blog post about making the holidays less stressful and not one of them covered what to do when everyone starts puking. Something is going to happen. Something is going to go wrong. And even if it’s nothing major (like a stomach virus) you are still going to work yourself to death cooking and cleaning. That’s why I love this next graphic.



Watch this cool video to get an idea of how much fun this movie is going to be.

One of our families favorite Christmas traditions is watching holiday movies together. I have a feeling this one is going to be added to our yearly list! How about you? What are your holiday traditions?

Be sure and visit the #LoveTheCoopers official website.

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Now for the super cool news for you dear reader! You can enter for a chance to win a $50 Visa gift card to see LOVE THE COOPERs on November 13th. How super is that? U.S. residents only. Contest only lasts 5 days so enter now!





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  1. I would take my husband and my parents because they look like a loving disfunctional family like mine. haha

  2. I always love the movie at this time of the year.. Family matters most and surely it’s a nice one to watch..

  3. I will take my brother and nephew to see this movie because it looks family friendly and my nephew loves to go to the movies! yarbr012 at gmail dot com

  4. Oh I would love to take my daughter in law! We love the holiday movies! Would be a fun girls night out!

  5. My adult daughter for sure, we love Holiday themed movies and always watch together! The guys won’t go so it gives us a girls night, lol

  6. I would take my Dad. He was visiting a few days ago and was talking about wanting to see this movie. It would be fun to take him to go and see it.

  7. I would love to take my husband! I’m due with our first child soon and it’d be nice to have a date night before our little guy gets here.

  8. I would bring my fiancee , because we both have disfunctional families and would enjoy watching a movie about “normal” families, especially around the holidays !

  9. I would like to take my daughter and sister to see this movie because we love watching Christmas movies and this is such a fun one to see in the theater!

  10. I would take a good friend of mine with me because we always have a great time at the movies and I know that we’d both enjoy this film.

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