How My Grandmother’s Love Lives On In Me and Her Other Grands

My Grandmother’s Love

One day this week I was cleaning up what was left of supper and there was about two tablespoons of corn and two tablespoons of macaroni and cheese. Instead of throwing it away I put each in a small plastic container and stuck them in the refrigerator. Suddenly I saw Grandma Layne putting spoonfuls of left-overs in her little empty butter dishes. And I smiled.

The next day I couldn’t find my broom and dustpan. My daughter-in-law had borrowed it the night before and I couldn’t find it. I sent her a text asking her where she had left it.

If it had been a snake it would have bit me!

After I sent the message I turned around and ran into the broom and dust pan. Even though I was alone in the kitchen I said out loud, “If it had been a snake it would have bit me.” There she was again….Grandma’s phrases pop out of my mouth on a daily basis.

My grandmother was humble and never realized the magnitude of what her life taught me. And I wasn’t the only grandchild that benefited from my grandmother’s love, my brother and cousins feel the same way. I’m sure they find themselves sharing some “Grandma Layne wisdom” with their children and grandchildren from time to time.

This morning my husband and I were discussing something and whatever it was (sad, but I don’t remember exactly what the problem was) anyway, I looked at him and said, “Don’t borrow trouble.”

He smiled and nodded. He knew my Grandma Layne well and I suspect he knew those were her words.

I wonder what phrases my grandchildren will remember that I say, if any. I hope I always choose my words wisely when I’m around them. I try to. They may be young but they understand and will remember….

I know because I remember my grandmother’s love and wisdom and keep it close to my heart.

You can read more about my grandmother here.

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