Help For Infertility

This post is brought to you by The Stork OTC and The Motherhood. All opinions are my own.

We were blessed with 5 children and the only thing I have loved more than being a wife and mother is being a grandmother. As someone who adores children it is so heartbreaking to watch friends (and now children of some of my friends) struggle with infertility. When I heard about The Stork OTC I wanted to share the news with my readers, with the hope that they will share it with others who have this problem.

The Stork OTC lets you take charge of your family planning, and act as a team while you do it. FDA-cleared applications for The Stork OTC include common fertility difficulties attributed to both men and women, including:

Low Sperm Count

Motility Issues

Unfavorable Vaginal Environment (pH imbalance)The-Stork-OTC-Packaging-with-Device-1-576x1024One of the first things I noticed about it was the cost. If you don’t know how much infertility treatment costs you may not be as impressed with the price as I was. A couple can spend thousands of dollars easily trying to have a child, the cost of The Stork OTC is less than one hundred dollars!

Another great thing about it is you can use it in the privacy of your home. Other procedures have to be done at a clinic and much more intrusive.

If you want to learn more about The Stork OTC I encourage you to attend one of the Twitter parties listed below. There are still a couple that haven’t been held yet so you still have time!

The-Stork-OTC-Twitter-Chat-Series-361x1024 (1)

I do hope you will share this information with anyone you know who might benefit from this. And tell them to enter here for a chance to win a free one! Giveaway on Sept. 30th! 

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One Comment

  1. This can be such a heart breaking thing to go through. My own daughter had to see fertility specialists before she could get pregnant. We are so thankful to now have the twins.

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