Giving Thanks for The Middle Child


There has been a ton of research conducted on how a person’s birth order effects their personality. As the mom of five children I have always been interested in what these studies say. Some of it fits my children and some of it doesn’t, but this morning I decided to re-read what the experts have to say about the middle child because tomorrow is my middle child’s 23rd birthday.

Justin with his dad
Justin with his dad

According to one study….

These children grow up to be more independent and are born mediators and negotiators. They also tend to “go their own way” when dealing with established ideas. They are innovators and thinkers. Some famous middle children include J.F.K., Madonna, Donald Trump, Barbara Walters, and Bill Gates. Each of these people is an example of just how successful middle children can become with a little extra encouragement from their parents.

What the study didn’t tell you about the middle child.……

They may not have as many photos in their baby books because mom no longer had time to sit still after they were born.

They are more likely to be left at school or church because mom and dad are more disorganized than they once were.

They are blessed with the memory of an elephant and will remember that they wore their older siblings hand-me- downs and once (just once) got left at school by their parents.

Because of all these things they do not hesitate to play the guilt card on their parents.

On the plus side…..

Birth order has nothing to do with the love you feel for each child you are blessed with.

Watching them grow closer with their siblings as the years pass is reward for having survived the diapers and bottles years.

A heart full of gratitude….

Today I am giving thanks for my middle child. Justin Lee Kindred. Happy Birthday son. We love you beyond measure. May the good Lord bless you all the days of your life and keep you in His care.   Mom


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  1. Jennifer, you wouldn’t believe how many parents accidentally leave their children somewhere. Lots of readers have shared their stories. We are all way too busy!

  2. Happy Birthday Justin–you are a handsome young man. My oldest will be 22 on Monday and it seems like yesterday you boys were little. My how time flies when we are raising our kids!!!
    (I always think a Mom deserves a “Happy Birthday” wish for each child she had and raised!)Way to go Teresa (and Bill too).

  3. Teresa- If it’s any consolation, I’m the oldest and I was left at school once by my Mom (just once), but I still remember, too! Oh, and I had hand-me-downs from an older friend… so these are not honors reserved for just the middle child ;D Happy Birthday, Justin!

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