Funerals and Priorities

I went to a funeral yesterday and there is nothing like a funeral to get you thinking about priorities. Think about the last funeral you went to.  Did the minister spend a lot of time discussing the number of trophies the deceased had collected over the years from various honors, achievements or hobbies?  Or did they talk about the person’s character, the people they loved and the qualities that endeared them to others?

I suspect that most of us spend way too much time worrying about job promotions, sporting events, and material possessions than we do what really matters; spending time with those we love.

Yes, we have to be responsible but we should never let responsibility cause us to forget that one day it will be our turn to host a funeral. I want to be like the lady whose funeral I went to today. Everyone there knew how much she loved them. Her children and grandchildren loved and adored her. She devoted her whole life to serving others and making others feel loved. She was one great lady and she will be missed.

One of the persons who will miss her most is her daughter, my friend, Gina.  I’m sorry for your loss, Gina, but what a life your mom had and what a legacy she left you! You and your brother and your families will carry her love in your hearts forever.

This column is dedicated to Gina’s mom, Grace.  She may have lost her battle with breast cancer but she fought hard and would want others to continue the fight until it’s finished.

Participate in Relay for Life. Donate to cancer research projects. Do whatever it takes, for as long as it takes, until the word “cancer” is defined as a disease that once claimed thousands of lives but is now curable in all forms. Don’t rest until that happens!


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  1. Thanks Teresa for the column-I’m posting it to my profile.Such a loss for Gina & Gary.

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