Bear Ye One Another’s Burdens

My dad died suddenly of a heart attack on May 1, 1995. Even though it’s been years, I never forget the day he left us. The closer it gets to the day, the more I think of him.

I have several friends who have lost loved ones recently and I know that the first year following their death is especially hard. Every important day that once was shared, is now another reminder of their absence.

I ran across a touching poem about loss and thought I’d share it with you. If you know someone who might need a dose of kindness, feel free to pass it on to them. Let them know you care, and that you remember their loved one and think of them, too. Words of comfort from a friend can ease the pain of an aching heart.

“Bear ye one another’s burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ.”  Galations 6:2

Love and miss you, Dad!

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