When a Boy Acts Like a Man

The story I am about to share with you touched my mother’s heart so deeply, that I have prayed about it all weekend.

Just south of Kentucky, in Bedford County, Tennessee is a 12 year old boy named Alex Rodriquez. Alex was diagnosed Rhabdomysarcoma, it’s hard enough to spell…I have no idea how to pronounce it, but I’m sure Alex and his family do, because they have dealt with it since Alex was seven.

Dealing with cancer since he was a little boy has taken away much of Alex’s childhood and he hasn’t been able to make many choices, but a few weeks ago he decided to make one. He chose to stay home and be near family and friends instead of continuing treatment in Texas.

Every time I read that part, I cry. How heartbreaking as a parent would it be to watch your son suffer for seven years only to have him say “enough is enough.”  And yet, in a way, I understand. And Alex, well he just has a couple of wishes.

One was to go to the Coca-Cola museum in Atlanta, and the other was to go to Gatlinburg. And of course, he wants to spend more time at home with his family and friends.

How to help

Please pray for this brave young man and his family!

For questions or donations:

Jeffery McGee (or Linda Dye)

Edgemont Baptist Church

150 Fairfield Pike

Shelbyville, TN 37160

Phone: (931) 684-7676

Fax: (931) 684-0005

Email: mc********@at*.net

Donations may be made to:

(If a card is mailed with donation, this will be passed along to the family)

Alex Rodriguez Benefit Account

Peoples Bank of Bedford County

1122 North Main St.

Shelbyville, TN 37160

Phone: (931) 684-7222

Letters and cards only:

Carolyn Camacho or Alex Rodriguez

c/o Harris Middle School

570 Eagle Blvd.

Shelbyville, TN 37160

Phone: (931) 684-5195

Fax: (931) 685-9455





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