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Be The Good

Be The Good

Yesterday I was in a parking lot of a big discount department store and I was looking for a parking space. I’m one of those people who love to walk, except in parking lots. I’ll drive around ten times to find a closer space to the door.

Suddenly I saw a commotion in front of me. People were running to help a man who had fallen. As I got closer I could see that he was elderly and frail. He must have fallen face first on the black top because his nose was bleeding profusely and the blood was dripping down his neck and on his shirt.

I ran to see how I could help but there were so many people there I stood in the back of the crowd.

My Heart Broke

One lady gently cradled his head in her lap while another asked who she could call to come help him.

“There isn’t anyone,” he said softly.

That’s when my heart broke.

Not only for this man but for countless others who have no one to call.

Martha Temple Todd

One year ago this past October my best friend and cousin, Martha, lost her life to breast cancer. In her honor her daughters started a #BeTheGoodDay on her birthday, December 4th. Please, take just a moment and read about her here. She changed my life and the way I look at things. She will inspire you too.

It doesn’t have to be December 4th. The good you do doesn’t have to be for someone you know, in fact people you don’t know may need you even more.

Be The Person Someone Calls

Remember the man who fell in the parking lot and had no one to call? Reach out to your elderly neighbors or those in nursing homes. Many residents don’t have any visitors. Ask the people who work there who needs you the most. They will know which residents never have company.

I wish I could tell you that the man in the parking lot is okay, but the truth is I don’t know. A firefighter was with him and insisted on driving him home, so I know that at the very least he got home safely, but because he had no one to call I’m sure there was no one there to greet him or help him.

It’s so easy this time of year to get wrapped up in the happiness of the holidays and forget that there are many fighting hard and lonely battles on their own.

Take a good look at the people around you and and ask yourself, “How can I be the good?” Not just today but every day…because there are way too many people in this world who have no one to call.

Be the good



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  1. Kia ora ..All the way over down under under in New Zealand as a sister Nana loved this too Teresa. I am quite colourful visually( hair) so find little ones and older are often drawn, do gravitate towards me but goes the other way too as I love connecting with people as well and yes the lonely so appreciate those who reach out to them just with a smile or little comment, and not necessarily only when they are in obvious need! Have a wonderful Christmas too. Glad I have discovered you .. x

  2. Since I have no family, I sometimes wonder if Ill be the elderly person with no one to call, but then I think of my church. There will always be a compassionate member who will reach out and help me. That’s what we do. We’re there for one another. Thank you, God. Brenda

  3. Thinking of you and Martha today. I love you and I love the way you are honoring her. It’s right always , but especially in this season , thAt we focus on meeting needs where we see them.

  4. It’s so sad that there are so many elderly people without family. My next door neighbour is almost 95 and recently lost her husband after being together for 76 years. She has a daughter nearby but I make sure I check on her regularly. She’s really good fun to be with and my young daughter loves spending time with her. It’s even more important to check on elderly neighbours at this time of year when it’s cold and dark.

    Emma xxx

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