Youngsters and Young at Heart

My cousin Martha visited last week and we had so much fun! She is a 3 time breast cancer survivor, but you’d never know it to look at her.

55 years old is not too old for tubing!

Her daughter and son-in-law and their two boys stopped by for a quick visit too.

Martha and Tucker and Tyler

I can’t say that my granddaughter had as much fun on the boat as the rest of us.

She didn’t like going fast. Can you tell?

She did enjoy playing with her cousins though!

Happy Tuesday/Wednesday!
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  1. That looks so fun! I love anything and everything that deals with water!I stumbled upon your blog from the Wordless Wednesday Link party and I love the layout!

    Love and Whimsy

  2. She is beautiful!! The little ones are all adorable!!! How awesome that she beat breast cancer 3 times. Hope she keeps kicking cancer’s butt

  3. LL you guys had loads of fun. Congratulations to Martha – and I hope she stays a three time cancer survivor!!! Thanks for hosting and have a great week.

  4. Wow after all Martha has been through just look at her smile!!!
    Looks like such a nice visit 🙂

    Happy WW!

  5. Looks like too much fun. I love that you are bringing cancer awareness to others. Martha looks great and I bet brings hope to many others struggling with cancer. I lost one of my best friends to cancer at the age of 39, so this subject is close to my heart.
    Marcie @ I Gotta Try That

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