Wish List for Mother’s Day-Reflections from the Kitchen Sink
Wish List for Mother’s Day
Mother’s Day. I have to admit I’ve always had an odd take on it. I’m not a stuff person, so I’m not one who looks for flowers, candy, or other gifts. I mean, I like those things, but I don’t have to have “things” to feel appreciated. This year, I asked for a kind of big task to be mostly completed. It’s something way bigger than I can manage on my own, and technically, I shouldn’t have to, I guess, since a lot of the stuff isn’t mine: I asked for the garage clean up to be wrapped up—no gift pun intended, but that was pretty funny.

I can still squeeze the car in. That’s all that counts, right?
You see, the garage is a weight on my emotional well-being. If I can avoid opening the door, I do it. It’s not a full-out “Hoarders” episode or anything, but there’s just so…much…stuff… A couple downsizing efforts partnered with some health hiccups compounded by a ridiculous amount of depression with a layer of grief, and voila! A garage disaster. It seems every time I get some momentum there is a detour. Sickness. Weather delays. A harried school sports schedule. I have a gazillion excuses, but they are all just getting old. I just want/need this over.

Kitchen gadgets and tool stuff – stuff.
My poor boys. Their crazy mom and her crazy ideas. Neither of them can drive, so getting somewhere even to buy a card isn’t going to happen. Guess they’re stuck at least trying to meet my request. A box of chocolates surely would have been easier, but it is “mother’s” day, isn’t it?

That’s a pretty good line. I think I will use that on them!
I would love to read your non-traditional gift ideas! Share them in the comments below!
…until next time…
Melinda Campbell Bio:All Reflections from the Kitchen Sink posts are written by Melinda Campbell. Melinda is a retired educator who currently focuses her efforts on raising her two teenaged boys, advocating for individuals with special needs and against drunk driving, and serving in her local community. New Kitchen Sink Merchandise-Click Here?

Teresa’s Note to Melinda- Dear friend, I have tried this on every holiday since my children were old enough to understand what the word “clean” meant. I even wrote Santa one year and requested they stop rolling their nasty ball socks up and throwing them at each other, that they not take food to their rooms (I found a box of dried up shriveled oranges under their bed) and that they be required to hit the toilet (this applied only to 4 boys) instead of just aiming in the general direction. I was never granted my wish list but perhaps you will be! If they do grant your wish when they are done send them to my house. My garage looks just like yours. Love and hugs, Teresa PS. Happy Mother’s Day, friend!
This is a blog hop! Hope you will link up and leave a comment!
Blessings to you and your nose! I understand wanting your mom and dad to be safe. Wish I still had mine! Take care friend!
I hope so! Thanks for stopping by Patrick!
So nice of you to stop by and I hope all your wishes come true!
Thanks for commenting Veronica!
Thank you for commenting!
That’s a pretty good idea, I would love it if people would tell me what they want or need for gifts Don’t feel too bad, I believe that when it starts to bug you that’s the time to do something about it. I can only imagine what I’d have in my garage if I had one instead of a parking space.
Take care and wishing you a happy Mother’s Day.
I think it’s a fantastic request! I am sure your wish will be fulfilled!
Hello Fellow NaNa and by the way I’m a Great NaNa now 3x’s ! shhhhhhhh! hahaha I already told the world because they are adorable. 2 girls & 1 very adorable little boy! Anyway, I’m with you if anybody wants to clean up my yard for mother’s day FEEL FREE!!! I’m behind on my vegetable garden too and I need that dug up. So they can come over and do there thing and I’ll wave from the window all day! ~hehehe~ I want to plant a nice big vegetable garden this year for sure. I just have to con someone to come over once in a while to pull weeds is all. My back says FORGETABOUTIT!!!! ALL TOGETHER JUST LIKE THAT! hahahaha Anyway, nice chit chattin’ with ya and I hope all is well with you. HAPPY MOM’S DAY! Stay Healthy! Stay Happy! Be careful! hugs
Hopefully they will get it done. I am betting they will.
I hear ya! I’d much rather have a clean anything over flowers. We usually take my Mom out for a meal. I don’t know if we will or not, with COVID-19 lingering. They’ve opened things up, and it’s so bad here in Omaha, Nebraska!
I want my Mom and Dad safe.
My Mom had Polio 2 years before there was a vaccine + shingles. My Dad has had 2 heart surgeries. I have Asthma + bad Allergies + had a deviated septum/polyps surgery a few years ago. My nose on the inside is not like everyone else’s. It makes wearing a mask hard to breathe, boy is my nose dry after wearing one for just a few hours, but I have to. Better safe than sorry!
Sounds like a good plan. Just post lots of hints!
Thanks for stopping by Lydia!!!
I have fought the garage battle for years and years. No matter how many times it gets cleaned out….it comes back with more!
I feel the same way, Karren!
That’s wonderful! Lucky you!
What a wonderful gift suggestion to have a clean garage. I like service gifts too.
I recently ordered several new square frames for my wall, and my photographer daughter is going to help me pick and crop photos as my Mother’s Day gift. I’m thrilled!
I cant believe we’re already approaching Mothers Day, where has the year gone, it was just Christmas a few short months ago.
Great story, thanks for the linky
We also have a very full garage right now. While we only have one car and have room for it, the other part of our garage holds bins full of holiday decorations, our snowblower, and a lawnmower, plants in pots that I store over the winter and early spring until I can place them out with warmer weather and lots of boxes of outgrown toys I want to sell or donate. We have a garage clean up on our “to do” list!
My favorite non-traditional gift was always going on a trip of some sort. It will be hard to do that right now, as we are being encouraged to stay home as much as possible, but even a short drive or hike will perk me up.
Happy Mother’s Day!
That’s pretty funny! Ha
I, too, am hoping for a surprise that will include a tidy backyard! Happy Mother’s Day to you!