Phone Troubles-Reflections From the Kitchen Sink
I received a text from a mystery number. The sender said he was my son Cameron, and that he had broken his phone. It was right before the close of the school day, and he had practice immediately following. We had a quick exchange that ended with my saying we’d talk about it later.

He’d been saving up money for some special shoes he wanted. The boy has a crazy obsession with basketball shoes. Almost all of them he has, he has purchased for himself, so while I discourage almost every purchase, I eventually just remind him when his spending money is gone, it’s gone. Before you get the wrong idea, his shoe collection doesn’t hinder his heart to be a giver, and it hasn’t dipped into the meager college savings account. It’s just what he likes, and he’s willing to work for it. He’s a kid. I think that’s okay. He’s experienced buyer’s remorse a time or two. It’s part of the learning curve.
…so back to the phone….
When I arrived to pick my boy up, he got in the car and was visibly shaken.
“What happened?” I asked.
“We were horsing around in the weight room, and I dropped my phone on a barbell,” Cam replied.
I will say at this point I ran the quick corny joke about horses not needing to be in the field house through my mind but decided instead to keep serious.
“I will pay to get it fixed,” he continued.
He pulled the phone out, and I knew immediately that fixing would cost as much as replacing it if it could even be repaired. We all know, I’m not a tech pro, but it looked like replacing the phone would also just make more sense.

“I guess you see being a goober head sometimes messes you up, huh?”
“Yeah. I’m sorry.”
I think Cam could sense I wasn’t angry, and he let his shield down and said, “Hey, at least I immediately sent a message, so you knew you wouldn’t be able to get me on my phone.”
“Yes, I appreciated that very much. That was a smart move. Very responsible.”
“The guys thought you’d kill me. I kind of did, too.”
“Everyone makes mistakes. I think you figured this one out. I’ve got you this time. The next time, you’re on your own.”
“No, really, Mom, I will pay for it. I will wait on the shoes,” he said.
I’ve got to tell you my mama heart was swelling big time at this point. Cam is a mature beyond his years in a lot of ways. My boy knows that things aren’t the same financially like they were when his dad was alive, too. I don’t put adult burdens on my kids, but they are sharp and just know things.
“Really, I’ve got this one. Just don’t be goofy like this again, okay?”
What little bit of angst that remained left Cam’s face that very instant.
“Yes, ma’am,” he replied.
Heart swelling continued.

It didn’t dawn on me until later that night that I was so glad I had been aware enough not to go into crazy mom mode. I don’t know about you, but from time to time, I get a bit sharp and escalated. Occasionally, yes, it’s needed, but the broken phone chat wasn’t the time. It was the perfect time to be chill and just chat through the better decisions that could’ve been made in the weight room.
After a larger deductible that anticipated and an extra charge for a data transfer because of a Cloud issue, my boy has a new phone. He did pay for the data transfer and a new sturdier case himself. Just because I exhibited grace with the phone doesn’t mean I’m Mrs. Cleaver with angel wings on the back of my cardigan about everything!
Maybe my boy should deliver my next cup of coffee, too…well, maybe not. I don’t want him to break my favorite mug LOL! That’s life as a boy mom and another reason I need lots of time every morning here at the sink!
…until next time…
Bio:All Reflections from the Kitchen Sink posts are written by Melinda Campbell. Melinda is a retired educator who currently focuses her efforts on raising her two teenaged boys, advocating for individuals with special needs and against drunk driving, and serving in her local community. New Kitchen Sink Merchandise-Click Here?

Melinda, this is Kaye Davis ( Walter) in Glasgow.
My son, Nathan was killed on Oct 27, 2017. His wife, Stacie is still having a really difficult time ( his birthday was yesterday, he would have been 46) and with Valentines Day coming up, I know you certainly understand. Just wondering if you have ever considered leading a support group for widows? It is so needful in Barren County and you have been on my mind lately.
Walter & I think of you often & enjoy keeping up with you & the boys on Facebook.
I would love for you to meet Stacie, either in Glasgow or Bowling Green