What Do You See From Your Perspective?
Your Perspective
Today I was cleaning out my car. The grand littles had been in it and there was an assortment of cups, glasses, socks, shoes, and toys. I was carrying one of the glasses along with an arm load of toys and the glass slid out of my hand and shattered.
I went inside and got a garbage bag. It is a bright sunny day so I picked up all the pieces and carried the bag to the trash can. When I came back to the house I saw the sun reflecting on some more pieces of glass I missed. I quickly realized that as I walked around the area I could see pieces of glass sparkling in the sunlight. Standing in one place I only saw a fraction of them but walking all the way around them allowed me to see every tiny shard of glass.
What I saw depended on my perspective.

Life works the same way. What I see and how I interpret what I see depends upon the way I view things. I am from a rural area. I was raised by conservative parents and I grew up thinking that the world viewed things from the same set of lenses I did. Then I went to college and learned I was wrong. Next I moved to Atlanta and learned I was very wrong.
My parent’s teachings and my religion gave me the ability to listen to others ideas and viewpoints without getting upset. I try to be respectful of other people’s opinions even when I don’t agree with them. Unfortunately, not everyone else feels that way.
The nightly news is filled with stories of folks who because they don’t agree with others on certain things they feel they must resort to violence. Road rage is so common that one lady I know will not make eye contact with any cars she meets for fear of some sort of retaliation. Politicians are labeled as liberal, conservative or independent and instead of trying to work together for the good of the people, they call each other names (especially during campaigns) and belittle one another. Whose perspective is correct?
Could it be that there’s more than one way to look at things? The answer to that question just might depend on your perspective.
As for me, I’m basing mine on what the Bible says and trusting God to handle things from His perspective..
Isaiah 55:8-9
“For My thoughts are not your thoughts,
Nor are your ways My ways,” says the LORD.
‘For as the heavens are higher than the earth,
So are My ways higher than your ways,
And My thoughts than your thoughts.

Love you Becky! Hope y’all are doing well!
I’m so frustrated by the current tones in our country. I pray daily for our leaders to seek God’s guidance. It’s very sad and disheartening that adults act in such a way. I was raised by a divided family, strong democrats from Dada’s side and strong republican from Mom’s side. I’ve discovered I was lucky. I learned to love both and I don’t plan to ever change that!! Thank you for your very enlightening and timely writings!