Top Ten Things I Love About My GRANDdaughter

10. Her giggles. I absolutely adore her laughter. It makes me happy all over!

9. Her truthfullness. Me to Abby. “I’m having trouble zipping my pants.” Abby to me, “Let me help, Nana.” She tried to help me zip them. “Sorry, Nana. You must be eating too much.” The truth doesn’t hurt nearly as bad when it comes from her lips

8. Listening to her sing. I think she imagines herself as the next Hannah Montana. When she has headphones on and sings with music she may only get one or two words right, she may hit some off notes, but she sure has fun and I love hearing her.

7. Bath time. She has always loved taking long soaking baths. Since my twins (boys) hated bathtime and did nothing but scream at me when their feet hit the water until the time I got them out, it is a pleasure to watch her enjoy a bath.

6. Her imagination. While she’s soaking in the tub she makes up songs and stories. Somtimes I recognize some of the characters she’s talking about (Justin Beiber) sometimes I don’t, but it’s always fun to listen.

5. Her expressions. From the time she was a baby she has always been one of the most expressive children I have ever been around. Happy, sad, mad. Whatever she’s feeling she shows it on her face.

4. Her capacity to love. Technically Abby comes from a broken home, but most of the time you’d never know it. She loves and accepts everyone who comes into her life. My younger sons had never been around young children until Abby came into their lives. They treated her like she was made out of glass and didn’t know how to play with her. She no longer lets them keep their distance and now that they know she doesn’t break, they play with her often. Have you ever seen two six foot eight twins playing hide and seek with a six year old little girl? Priceless.

3. Her love of animals. She’s grown up around her families pets and ours and she has a genuine love of dogs. She’s kind and considerate of them and I suspect will always love animals.

2. Her love of cooking. She loves to get in my kitchen and make cupcakes, or help with whatever we are cooking. It’s fun watching her stir, break eggs (she’s pretty good at it) and bake.

1. I’ll bet you know the number one thing because I’ve mentioned it before, kisses and hugs. Abby is an affectionate child and no matter what kind of day I have had, when she wraps her arms around me, hugs me and says, “I love you, Nana,” I am autimatically cured!

Happy Valentines Day to my GRANDdaughter and your GRANDchildren too!

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