Superman Needs Stitches…Again

Baby boys should come with warning labels.

Warning: Be prepared to duck and dodge spraying liquid when diaper is removed.


Warning: If you are the parent or grandparent of boys sooner or later you will probably have to go to the E.R. with them for stitches.

We have five children who are now grown and over the years everyone of them have had stitches; some of them more than once. One of them more than his share.

In fact he’s had stitches so often that he has been declared the Official Winner of Most Stitches In Our Family contest.

The first time was when he was about three years old. He stood on the edge of the tub and declared himself Superman.

Then he jumped, hit the edge of the tub with his head and Superman was on his way to the E.R.

The second time he was wrestling with his brothers and cousins. His glasses got broken and in the process cut his face.

Next….Thanksgiving at my brother’s house and he jumps down a flight of stairs. He forgot the stairs had an over hang, hits the top of his head and it’s back to the E.R.

When he was about five he found his dad’s pocket knife and decided to play with it….more stitches. This time on his finger.

There were a couple more trips in there but honestly, I can’t remember what happened.

Then last night his brother calls.

“Dad, we were playing ball and Justin and another player bumped heads. I think he needs stitches.”

Yep, boys should come with warning labels.



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  1. Hi Jenny, Liked you on FB and followed you! Tell your son to put his pillow on the bed or couch mattress before he hits it!

  2. So true! Both of my boys have had stitches in almost the same place! My oldest once went to the ER because I had told him to hit his pillow when he was angry…so what? He put his pillow on his METAL bunk bed, and then hit it, hard…luckily no broken bones, that time!

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  3. LOL! Yes, boys should come with labels. Mine is three and we haven’t been to the ER for stitches – yet, but for some reason I fear we are close enough. He is jumping around the house inspired by Cirque du Soleil – ahem! Thank you so much for sharing 🙂 I am stopping by from the Monday Mingle. Following you on GFC.

  4. Poor guy! He probably doesn’t even feel the booboos anymore! My husband has had so many, he can’t even count them anymore. He stitches himself up now. Has his own kit and everything. Last time, he made me tie the knots. Ewww! Hope his head is okay!

  5. Jason had many stitches but two stand out in my mind, I had to go to school and pick him up when he fell and cut his lip, I got him to Dr. Emberton’s office and once there I passed out, I remember someone getting me a place to lay down and hearing Jason ask is my Mom ok —
    then some time later he got hit with a ball bat and I was not home so Joe called Dr Emberton and met him at his office, Mr. Reece came over to tell me what had happened so I rushed to Dr. Emberton’s office, when I got to the office Dr. Emberton yell “DON’T COME BACK HERE” that was because Joe was lying in the floor at his feet. I guess we could only keep it together until we get help!!!

  6. oh it is so TRUE! I have three boys (still little ones) and we’ve had our share of scrapes, bruises, cuts and falls…luskily only one set of stiches so far, but it was absolutely HORRIBLE watching our 2 year old get them…oh my…

  7. Poor Justin! Poor Mom! JT had so many injuries that we were screened for child abuse on more than one occasion. After arriving at the ER each time, they would look at his records and then start laughing…recognizing him from previous visits. Oh how I can relate!

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