A Grand Week in Pictures

This week in pictures….there’s been a lot going on around here this last week! As usual the grands play a big part in what’s happening. Here’s what my cuties are up to.

This is my daughter and granddaughter at the Pumpkin Festival. It was a little cool outside and the wind froze this nana but the cuties were warm~

Daughter and granddaughter




This is our dogs playing “I’m the Alpha Dog….No, I am. No I am!”  One of the three is a pure bred, one is a shelter dog and the other a mixed breed. They are all super sweet!

Playing with a stick

Little sweetie playing with a stick!

Then we went inside and she found this hat. Doesn’t she look like a babushka doll?

 babushka doll,


So what have you been doing this week? This is a blog hop. Link up and show me your week in pictures!

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  1. I take it you are a dog person too! I have a whole board on Pinterest called “I love dogs” Check it out sometime!

  2. What grand pics, Teresa! You have a lovely family and those cuties are THE Cutest!

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