Thursday Thoughts on Time Change
I don’t like getting up when it’s still dark outside and if it’s cold in the house too, well that’s more reason to snuggle back down under the covers.
I remember my Grandpa Layne got up every morning no later than five. To him if you slept past six you were being a lazy bum. If I make it out of the bed by six I think I’m getting up in the middle of the night.
When the time changes on this Sunday NEXT SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 7th! I will change my clock but it takes my body and mind longer to follow. It takes about a week for them to catch up. And when it changes instead of complaining about how dark it is when I get up, I can complain about how early it gets dark at night!
Get ready to reset your clocks! Remember, spring forward in the spring and fall backward in the fall. That’s the only way I can remember which way to set them.
And while we are talking about time….be sure and spend it with the people you love. It goes too fast!
I appreciate it. Not sure how I got so confused!
We don’t change our clock here in Tn. until Nov.7 according to the calendar anyway, and none of the tv news has reminded anyone yet either. I must check on that or we may sleep to late. lol What a shame that would be.
I hate people correcting me, but just giving you a heads up that we don’t turn our clocks back until Nov.7…so you got an extra week