Thursday Thoughts on Going Back to School

If you visit NanaHood often you know I am a sentimental softie. I make no excuses for it. It’s just part of my genetic makeup. This week I find myself wishing that things were the way they once were. I wish school started after Labor Day and ended at Memorial Day.  June, July and August were summer fun months. Call me crazy but starting school the first of August just doesn’t seem right.

Now that I’ve made my feelings known I feel better. It won’t change anything, but I still feel better.

How about you? When does school start in your area and how do you feel about the starting date?


Both my parents and all my grandparents attended (at least for awhile) one room schools similar to the one pictured here. There was no big yellow bus to catch in the morning, they walked. There were no prepared school lunches, they took theirs in lunch boxes. There was no indoor bathroom, only outhouses behind the school building. The only air conditioning came from an open window and a breeze (if there was one) and heat came from a wood stove. There was no technology, only pencils and a chalk board, but still they managed to learn.

This is a big school year for my family. My granddaughter starts kindergarten this year. One nephew starts college and the other two go back to school. My daughter is a teacher and has switched from 6th grade to 1st grade. She started school Tuesday and is loving her “little ones.” My sister-in-law is the new principal at the school my where my twins will be seniors this year.

I saw a post on Facebook from a writer friend this week who also has a senior this year. My friend wrote, “My daughter is officially a senior this year…let the boo-hooing begin!”

I know how she feels. It’s a happy/sad.  Happy they are achieving their goals, but sad knowing that your babies are babies no more.

r and g at beach

Here’s to a great senior year for my boys, a great year of teaching for my daughter, a wonderful kindergarten year for my granddaughter, an awesome first year of college for my nephew, and a great year as a principal for my sister-in-law.

And to all my cyber friends and their children….hope you have a super school year!

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  1. Thanks Susan! I so appreciate your comments! Give NanaHood’s Birthday Bash a shout out if you can! Thanks, Teresa

  2. I agree that school starts too soon! What’s wrong with after Labor Day? In Texas we have seesawed back and forth. This year the kids go back on August 23, which is considerably later than we were starting for a while. One of the reasons why we have to start so early is that we have so many mandatory days of “teacher inservice” (training). As a former teacher, I can tell you that those days are often worthless.

    Sorry to be so negative! What handsome boys! I second your wishes for a great school year for all.

  3. I agree, summer is too short. Something new for me this year is that the school has moved my nearby grands (5 of them) bus stop to the end of my front walk way. We will have to see how that goes. The first day I saved the day by one of them racing the bus to use my bathroom and get herself back out in time. This morning they all rang my doorbell to say good morning. It felt good to give them all hugs before watching them board the bus happy and ready for another day of learning.

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