Thinking About Things I Am Thankful For

When I was young I was taught to be grateful, to say please and thank you and to always ask to be excused from the table before I got up. Life has a way of teaching lessons we never dreamed of and over the years I have learned to be grateful for things I didn’t have a clue about when I was young. I’m guessing I’m not the only one who has experienced this phenomenon. Here are some things I have a deeper appreciation of now than I did when I was younger and that I am giving thanks for today.

10.  Water. I was taught to give thanks for food but we took water for granted. I bathed in it, drank it, flushed toilets with it, went to the beach and swam in it, and never ever realized what a blessing it was.  You can read more about my discovery of the importance of water here.

9.  Friends. When I was a child I remember passing notes that said “Do you like me? Circle yes or no.” Silly, wasn’t it? Now I realize that there are certain characteristics of a true friend that I couldn’t have known as a child. When you share years of joys and sorrows you develop a bond that goes deeper than Facebook ever could.  William Arthur Ward once said, “A friend is one with whom you are comfortable, to whom you are loyal, through whom you are blessed, and for whom you are grateful.”  Amen

8.  Scientists and researchers. Without these folks there would be no new medicines. No discoveries of preventative treatments. No chance at finding a cure for cancer, diabetes, heart disease, multiple sclerosis or any other physical disability. I don’t know any scientists or researchers personally, but if I did I would say “Bless you. Keep on keeping on. We appreciate what you are doing and we are cheering you on in our prayers, even if you don’t hear them. God does.”

7. Children. Ever had a really rotten, bad, stinking day? If you know someone with a baby, go ask them if you can rock it. Sounds strange, I know, but there’s something about rocking a baby that calms and soothes and makes the whole world look brighter. If you can’t find a baby, find a toddler and listen to them laugh. The sound of children’s laughter in my book ranks at the top of the list as one of the most beautiful sounds in the world. As a teenager I never thought I wanted children. Then I got married and had five. They have taught me more “life lessons” than I ever thought possible. A world without children would be a world without hope.

6. Soldiers. My dad was in the Air Force but that was before my parents even married. While we are not a military family, I know some who are. In fact, I’ve written about them many times. (click here.. What they do for their country on a daily basis amazes me. A few years ago we went to Washington D. C. and while we were there we went to Arlington. Standing before the tomb of the Unknown Soldier and hearing Taps being played for a memorial service in the distance was an experience I will never forget. I am grateful not only for the soldiers but also their families. Holidays when loved ones are serving in the military can not be easy. Bless you. All America is in your debt.

5. Land. I’ve watched Gone With the Wind a zillion times but it wasn’t until I was a grown woman that I understood what Scarlett’s father meant when he told her that the only thing that matters is the land. Of course, land really isn’t the only thing that matters to me, but I get what he was saying. We are caretakers of the land we live on for the next generation. Living on a farm that my father once owned and looking at fields and the beautiful countryside is a blessing that I am very grateful for.

4. My family. I had loving parents and grandparents who gave me a wonderful childhood. I have been married to a loving husband for 31 years and we have five healthy grown children. My grandchild is healthy and we have another one on the way.

My brother. I have always loved my brother but as the years have gone by I love and appreciate him and his family even more. I cannot imagine not having a sibling to share memories with, especially after your parents are gone. I love you very much little bro!

Being surrounded by a loving family is a little like being wrapped in a quilt of love. When the world is cold and the wind is blowing, the quilt protects you and keeps you warm.

3. Animals. My family loves dogs and dogs love us. If you aren’t an animal lover, you won’t get this but those of you who are, I know you understand. There’s nothing like a dog. They are loyal, loving, always happy to see you and they never talk back. Over the years I have been privileged to own many dogs and each one has a place in my heart.

2. Health and doctors and nurses. It’s rare for young people to appreciate the gift of good health. I know I didn’t appreciate it until I got older and realized how many people in the world aren’t blessed with a healthy life. Just being able to get up every morning and carry on daily activities is something that the very ill cannot do. Every day is a gift and if those days are pain free and we aren’t physically or mentally ill, then we are truly blessed.

I thought about putting doctors and nurses in with researchers and scientists but I love and appreciate doctors and nurses for a different reason. You don’t get to be my age without learning that there are some wonderful doctors and nurses who minister to the sick with kindness and empathy. When you run across a doctor or nurse who doesn’t have those qualities, it makes you appreciate the ones who do. When my mom was dying from colon cancer I can’t tell you what a difference certain doctors and nurses made in her life and mine. I’ve never forgotten them and I never will. No one wants to be a number. Everyone wants to be treated with dignity. Bless those in the medical field who bless others with their skills and loving kindness.

1. Faith. There’s no way to explain how far I have come in this area of my life. I was raised going to church and baptized when I was 12 years old, but it wasn’t until I was a young adult that my faith really started to blossom. God was always with me, but there were times when I wasn’t as focused on Him as I should have been. I love my church family, love going to church, love reading my Bible and spending time in prayer. I love Jesus and I love God for creating such a wonderful world (even if we human’s do mess it up).

I hope each of you have a great Thanksgiving and enjoy the gift of being with loved ones.

What are you thankful for?

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  1. Hi T, This was one of your best articles! I even got a little teary eyed reading it. THanks for sharing…I’m thankful for you, my friend.

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