Once Upon a Time ….

There was a little girl who was loved and treasured (and spoiled) by her parents. This little girl grew up in a small town where everyone knew her parents and grandparents and some of them even knew her great-grandparents.

This town was so small it didn’t have a traffic light or a fast food restaurant. Men sat on wooden benches and whittled, their shavings piling up around their ankles like snow in the winter.

The little girl felt safe and secure and she and her brother loved living in the little town. They also loved visiting their grandparents on the farm, gathering the eggs, seeing the baby chicks and helping their grandma and grandpa in the garden.

Years passed and the girl began to change. She no longer liked living in a small town where her mother knew what she did at school during the day before the girl even got home.  She evolved into a surly, stubborn teenager who vowed she’d move away and never come back. “I’ll never marry or have children and I won’t ever be a teacher like my mom!”

More years passed. The girl met a guy and fell in love and got married. They lived in a huge city and soon decided they wanted to live in a smaller community.

You can probably guess by now that I am the little girl. That I moved back to my hometown, married and had five children. And yes, I got a teaching degree and became a teacher like my mom.

Today I am giving thanks for God’s plan. I am so very grateful that He directs my path and all I have to do is follow!

Blessings to you, friends! May God direct your path too!



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  1. Wow, five children. I think we all feel that way when we are teenagers, looking for something new and different. But there really is no place like home. Loved your post.

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