The Little Red Hen, A Loaf of Bread and Several Bushels of Corn

My grandmother had a collection of children’s books she read to us. If I remember correctly, the title of one book was The Little Red Hen. I don’t remember the exact wording but the story line had to do with the hen planting wheat and wanting her friends to help her raise it, take it to be made into flour and then bake a loaf of bread.

breadThe hen had a problem….all her friends were too busy to help her work but when it came time to eat the bread guess who showed up with a knife and butter?  The hen told them to forget it she was going to eat it all herself and she did.

Why am I telling you this? Because tomorrow is corn day at my brother’s house. He planted a huge garden, grew all kinds of vegetables and tomorrow is the designated day to shuck, pluck, cut, cook, bag and freeze the corn. If you’ve never done this not only is it time consuming but it’s very messy. By the end of the day you have corn everywhere. My mom used to have to wipe her glasses off periodically because she’d have so much stuck to them she couldn’t see.

My brother announced corn day and it was met with mixed reviews from the teenagers. They immediately started naming places they had to be. My brother just looked at them. My sister-in-law reminded their oldest son of how good the corn tastes in the winter.

“I’d rather have a hamburger and french fries,” he mumbled and I suspect the rest of the boys feel the same way.


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  1. I loved that book when I was a child! My grandmother used to read it to me also. We have corn days too – it makes it a lot more fun if the whole family helps. Good luck!

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