Ten Things I Want To Do This Year
I don’t know if these are resolutions or a bucket list for 2011. Call it whatever you want; it’s things I intend to accomplish this year.
1. Visit my cousin Martha in Florida. I haven’t seen her since last summer and I miss her terribly! Knowing she is going through a tough time makes we want to visit her even more. One way or another I’m going to Florida before long.
2. Meet Char. Char and I have been business partners for (?) years and we have never met. I email her frequently about NanaHood and we talk about her children, my children/grandchild, technology issues, etc. but we have never met. It’s long over due. You can meet her too, sort of, here: http://www.etsy.com/people/delightdesignbiz?ref=ls_profile
3. Have more Gal Adventures. There are few things more fun than a weekend with the girls. A few years ago we spent the weekend at the lake together. Another time we met in Chattanooga and stayed at a delightful bed and breakfast. I need more “girl time.”
4. New England in the fall. I have never been. Always wanted to go. Intend to make plans, take the hubby and GO.
5. Get rid of junk. I don’t know how it happens but stuff multiplies in my attic. I clean it out and when I look again, it’s back. As soon as it gets a little warmer but before it gets hot…I will attack the garage and the attic and get rid of junk!
6. Read my Bible more. Pray more. Love more intensely. Laugh harder. Hold loved ones closer. I know that’s more than one thing but they all go together well, don’t you think?
7. Continue connecting with other moms and nanas around the world. NanaHood will be two years old this summer and is still growing by leaps and bounds. I love reading other blogs, sharing ideas and hearing from my readers. You are great and I love your stories and photos. Keep them coming!
8. Do a better job of showing the people I love that I love them. Telling them is one thing…showing them is another.
9. Write a book. I have a proposal written and hope/plan to have a book finished by the end of the summer and sold to a publisher. Writing a book proposal is a BIG deal and I’m excited to have gotten this far!
10. Live in the moment. Cell phones, texting, computers, are great but they distract us from the moment at hand.
“Yesterday is but a dream, tomorrow but a vision. But today well lived makes every yesterday a dream of happiness, and every tomorrow | a vision of hope. Look well, therefore, to this day.” Sanskrit Proverb
So what’s on your bucket list for 2011?
You have worthy goals. I was especially interested that one goal was to publish a book. Yes, writing a proposal is a BIG deal. Way to go. Attending writers’ conferences is a great way to meet editors and publishers. I’m praying about which conferences to attend this year. Most likely I’ll attend two: one in WA state and the other in OR.
I’m rejoicing that God helped me write and publish my first book in 2010: Preparing My Heart for Grandparenting (for grandparents at any stage of the journey). It affirms grandparents in their significant role and offers tools to make them the best grandaprents they can be. You can learn more about the book at http://www.PreparingMyHeart.net. Please help me spread the word.
My goal for 2011 is from Ephesians 2:10: to daily discern the good works God prepared in advance for me to do.
Blessings, and happy grandparenting!
Lydia Harris
Love your bucket list. Something I need to think about if I can get the time to think. Maybe that should me my bucket list, take time to think.
Read more for pleasure. I’ve bought books or have given books and didn’t read much but the chronological Bible this year.
Clear out stuff from my house. It seems to come in slowly but we have more to cart out for charity.
Go to bed before 11:30!
Loved reading your list. I’d love to see eastern US in the fall, I hear it’s beautiful but doubt I’ll get that way anytime soon!
Happy days!
Sounds like a great To Do list to me!
Hope you realize them all, Teresa. Best wishes in 2011.
Teresa, thanks for stopping by! I think you’ll really enjoy the soup recipe! My email is ms******@pr*****.net