Princess Jasmine visits Kentucky
My mother tried her best to expose me to what she considered “cultural events.” Some of them I liked, some I didn’t. Family vacations often consisted of at least one or two excursions that mom strongly encouraged ( made) us attend. One of the things I didn’t particularly enjoy was going to plays. I have never liked sitting still for very long periods of time; even long movies are difficult for me to sit through. While I don’t like to be still, I do enjoy taking my granddaughter to plays. Not only am I more patient than I once was, I’ve learned that watching Abby watch the play is even more fun than watching the play itself.
Rachel and I took her to see Aladin this past weekend. It was put on by the children’s group at our local Barn Lot Theater and it was great. Abby thought so too. We made some special memories together. Here are a few snap shots I made after the play.

After the play was over I asked Abby if she would like to be a performer one day. “Maybe,” she said thoughtfully, “Someday when I grow up.” Abby’s birthday is next month and she’ll be five.
Don’t grow up too quickly, Abby. Nana loves you just the way you are!
I loved the post and it’s true that children grow up too fast. Mine did and now I’m enjoying my little granddaughter! So much that I started knitting a sweater for her yesterday. It’s multi colored so I have to keep the yarn from getting tangled together. Loved the fact that my husband held the needle while I untwisted it all then put it all in the sack for safe keeping. Oh the things we share with our grandchildren because we love them. Plays are fun. Daughter and I recently saw a musical called Hadassah, it was the life of Esther in the Bible. Had a song stuck in my head for days! I love musicals! Years ago I saw a play on Helen Keller and every one who was “blind” had their eyes closed so it made it authentic! Hugs!
Teresa. I was late with the Making Memories Monday post and link today. This post is the perfect MMM post (whether or not it was intended to be). Would you please consider heading over to Adventures in McQuill-land and linking up at some point? This link stays open all week. This has been one of those days… as you’ll see when you take a look at my MMM post!