NanaHood and Friends Grandparent’s Day Celebration
Grandparent’s Day is September 8th and as hard as it is to believe…that isn’t far off. To help you celebrate NanaHood and some close friends are hosting a NanaHood Celebration Contest. There are some great prizes like…..
Key Ingredient ( hosts the web’s largest shareable collection of over 1.5 million user-generated recipes. The Key Ingredient ecosystem gathers and syndicates recipes from across to mobile apps and through Wi-Fi to the Key Ingredient Recipe Reader. The Recipe Reader is a one-of-a-kind, kitchen-safe, touch-screen device.
My friend Teri at Grandparent Gift co. is giving away a set of Grandparent Memory Books.
And my friend Tiffany at Faithfully Fun is giving away a $20 gift of choice from her creations which you can see on her Facebook page. You could use it to get one of these awesome necklaces she custom makes! She made this one for me 2 grandchildren ago and I just love it! I need a new one Tiff!
You can enter in several different ways and enter as often as you like. The contest runs from today until Sept. 3rd! Enter now for a chance to win! (U.S. residents only)
I have some wonderful memories of road trips with my Grandma and Grandpa. They would come and get my brother and I each summer and drive us to Southern California to spend a few weeks visiting our family there.
There are so many reasons why I loved my grandma.she was one of the hardest working farm wife I’ve ever seen but never heard her complain once. She would put a meal on the table for anyone that came by no mater the time of day. Never ever heard her say a bad word about anyone. She was always bragging on her grandchildren. Always said she had the prettiest granddaughters in the country.i learned so much from her about homemaking and the standards she lived and worked and loved by. I so wanted to be like her and if I ever wanted her to stop and just be with me or teach me about quilting she stopped what she was doing and tended to me. I miss her terribly. Now I care for my 3 1/2 yo granddaughter 5 days a week. Have had her since she was born. I treasure this time and I know she does too. I want to have a lifetime impact on her as my grandma did on me. Hopefully someday she will have granddaughter to care for love and pass on generations of Nana wisdom and love. I have another granddaughter that just turned 4. She is coming today so these sweet girls can celebrate her birthday make memories and hopefully go home feeling just how much their Nana loves them and and a part of their soul will say “someday I will love my granddaughter the way my Nana loves me” I love your blog and read all the time, don’t comment much because this Nana is tired most of the time
I’ve never heard of the recipe reader but it sounds like something I need. Would be much nicer to take to church with me. I’m the kitchen lady and do weekly cooking at church. Just fed 200 people this week for a funeral meal. I’m longing life in the NanaHood right now I get to serve in both areas of my passions grand blessings and feed people!
Thank you Theresa!
You are blessed! And “yes” to the naps!
Your mom is Super Nana!!!!
Thank you so much Janine!
Amen Ruth!
You are so right, Susan!
It is fun Christine! Thanks for commenting!
I have sooo many memories beautiful just miss them all. Grandmother rose bushes, green and reds . Looking for clovers and following clover fairy map, learning to garden collecting eggs. I am not a grandparent yet but I know it will be fun.
Being a grandparent is indeed the best. And while it’s always fun to buy and give and receive, just being with the grandkids is the best gift of all.
Being a grandparent is the BEST!
I’m a Nana and love it!! Love your page & posts!
I not a nana but a know a few great ones!!
I remember spending summers with both sets of brand parents. The best childhood motors were with my grandparents!!
Being a nana has been so much fun! With a 15 (almost 16 year old) and a 7 and 9 year old I am provided with such a variety of activities it certainly keeps my mind (and body) active. I figured with the oldest that time would be limited with her but not so, anytime ti show up at one of her school activities – she wants to “show me off” to her friends! It great to be a grandparent and the teenagers want to meet you! As for the other two, I have to remind them that even if they don’t take naps anymore, I need to rest (nap) in the afternoons! LOL
What fun stuff. Perfect presents for all as Nanas, Memas, Mimis, Dee Dees (that’s me), Grandmas and all the other wonderful names we are! I love your blog!