Mountain Memories

If you are new to NanaHood you may not know that we are Pink with a Purpose. My cousin, Martha, is a 3 time breast cancer survivor and one tough lady. After 35 years in education she just retired and to celebrate we met in the mountains to spend some time together.

The mountains were beautiful…

Georgia mountains

And so is she….


We had a great time even though she was in Georgia and I was in Tennessee…

Georgia Tennessee

And of course all the gals had to go shopping…


And Martha showed off her newest grandbaby who is getting a new cousin as I write this…this time Martha will get a grandson!


This next weekend Martha goes to M.D. Anderson for a checkup to see if her chemo is still working. All prayers appreciated!

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  1. What absolutely gorgeous picture and such cutie pie babies. Thanks for sharing. My granddaughter’s birthday is today and she turned 15, and she’s a freshman in high school, but she’s not sure if she likes high school yet. She came home today with a rash all over her body because of the chlorine in the pool. So sad on her birthday. Thanks for sharing your pics and good times. 🙂

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