Mom Olympics

Are you following the Olympics? I am not a big television person but I love sports and I am a sucker for the stories behind the athletes. Watching Oscar Pistorius of South Africa run (the double amputee) brought tears to my eyes.

What an example he is of what hard work and determination can accomplish!

Watching the Olympics made me wonder what would happen if there were Olympic events for mothers.

Possible categories might include jumping mountains of dirty laundry, or leaping over hurdles of toys. Gymnastics could include cleaning dust bunnies under the bed and couch with a baby on your hip. There’s just no end to the possibilities!

Then, as the winners are receiving their medals and a giant diaper is being raised on the flag pole the theme for motherhood could be playing in the background.

How about it ladies, do you know a mom who deserves a gold medal?

Be sure and come back later this week to help NanaHood celebrate its 3rd birthday. You won’t win a gold medal but there will be fun, games and prizes!

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  1. I’m so glad you mentioned Oscar. I saw Oscar running the other day. Truly inspiring that as an amputee he is running in the Olympics! People are capable of doing so much more than we think we can.

    The video clip is VERY FUNNY! Yes, I agree with the others, every Mom deserves a medal for all that she does! Thank you for such a worthwhile post!! Have a fantastic day.

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