Kitchen Chaos-Reflections from the Kitchen Sink
Kitchen Chaos
I know I’m sometimes repetitive, but it took me many runs through the same type scenarios to understand this: some stuff I thought mattered really doesn’t. This revelation came mid-kitchen chaos this morning. One of my bonus kids wanted a Melinda breakfast before he headed back to school tomorrow, so, of course, he got his breakfast.
I was stirring gravy while simultaneously baking a meatloaf for a friend who helped me last week, and I pieced together a lasagna for my guys right after. My kitchen is now a wreck. My bonus boy never saw the mess, or if he did, he didn’t mention it. He and my boys hit the breakfast grind and visited for a little bit, and now I will tidy things up some.

I will admit I still get into a mama tizzy from time to time. I like order. I have learned to let go of some of the hyper-vigilance about some things though, and I attribute that to my widowhood. When you’ve gone through the reality funnel, the pace of life changes and not everything fits through the priority hole. …and that’s really okay…
I still have to remind myself of that sometimes: life is messy, and it’s okay that it looks messy from time to time. I spent the majority of my life thinking that things were supposed to be spotless. I also spent the majority of my life stressed because every visible inch of my house wasn’t spotless. No more. Life happens. Clutter happens. Stuff gets put away when the opportunities present themselves. I won’t skip an invite to lunch with a friend because my towel hamper is overflowing, and I’m not going to tell my kids their pals can’t come over to watch a ball game because my desk is in its mid-month crazy state. Again, widowhood shows you some things. (One day we will talk about working too much to have stuff you don’t really need.)

I guess while I’m having this full disclosure moment, I will tell you my washer and dryer don’t match. I thought that was a sin, too, until my washer died, and a friend bailed me out with a used one. That bandaid has lasted about a year and saved me in more ways than one. Yes, I will get a new set soon. Both the current washer and dryer have seen their better days, but I just keep sliding replacing them down on the top needs list. If you decide you can’t be my friend because my appliances don’t match, I understand…ha ha…I won’t look for your Christmas card this year.
I’m now going to select a mug out of the unmatched collection of porcelain in the cabinet over the Keurig. Yeah, I’ve got matching dishes, too, but this quiet coffee time requires a mug with attitude, not one of those fancy cups with a saucer. Guess it is total rebellion around here these days!!!
…until next time…

Melinda Campbell – All Reflections from the Kitchen Sink posts are written by Melinda Campbell. Melinda is a retired educator who currently focuses her efforts on raising her two teenaged boys, advocating for individuals with special needs and against drunk driving, and serving in her local community. New Kitchen Sink Merchandise-Click Here?
Sooo agree Bonnie….I believe we could be best friends!
I Enjoyed reading this story I Feel the Same Way. Life is To Short to Worry about making the house spotless. I Always said I Live in a house I raised My Kids there so Why should it look like No one Lived there? There were days I didn’t get My laundry done or I was to exhausted to was My dishes so I made Sure to rinse them before I stacked them in the sink and went to bed. Tomorrow is Another Day Take Time To Live-Laugh- Love Today Dance Like No one is Watching You Enjoy Life??