Is it Safe To Let Your Children Ride With Their Grandparents?
Have you ever driven behind a little old lady or elderly man and wondered why in the world they were still driving?
I once knew a lady who lived in our community that if I saw her car on the road I ALWAYS kept a respectable distance. You just never knew when she was going to veer to the left or the right. Would I have let my children ride with her in a car with her? NEVER!
At what age should someone stop driving? In my opinion “age” isn’t the issue as much as skill and a recent study supports my opinion.
What they found….
Researchers studied data from State Farm insurance claims covering 11,859 children 15 and younger in motor vehicle crashes from 2003 to 2007 in 15 states and the District of Columbia; they also conducted telephone interviews with drivers. They found that the risk of injury to children in crashes was 50% lower when grandparents were behind the wheel.
The folks who conducted this study are wondering why the safety rate is so low for grandparents.
I hope they call and ask me because I know the answer and if you are a grandparent, I think you do too. When I am driving my granddaughter anywhere I take extra precautions. Nothing (that I can think of) would devastate me more than having an accident with her in the car.
So let nana chauffer your children and stop worrying. She’ll do everything within her power to keep them safe!
Thank you, Lord for careful drivers and for keeping my precious granddaughter safe!

The study I referred to was published online Monday in the journal Pediatrics.
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I’m with you. I think that kids are safer with their grandparents because we are so aware of our “precious cargo,” as the article phrases it. Yes, parents know that they are carrying precious cargo, too, but they do it so often that they may become inured to the implications.
I would let my parents drive anywhere with my kids in the back seat – and I do. They’ve taken the kids on interstate trips, and the kids have always arrived home safe and sound. My parents, of course, make sure the kids buckle up! Accidents can happen with anyone at the wheel. I just pray that if my boys are involved in an accident, no matter who is behind the wheel, that they will be safe. What more can a mom do?
Oh, and I wish our pool had snowcones! My kids would be in their glory! Our pool doesn’t offer snacks and so we pack our own. I think the boys would agree that a snow cone trumps orange slices, grapes, pb&j, and the likes any old day!
Stay cool!
As opposed to some parents on the road with kids in the back who are positively reckless! Age in itself might have something to do with gramps slowing down.