How To Entertain Large Families

How To Entertain Large Families

I have a house full of company (15 but who is counting!) and I love it! My cousin and her 3 daughters and 8 grandchildren are here. We took all the kids to a game center. For a short time I was in charge of the littles while everyone else played laser tag. Aren’t they sweeties?

Me and the littles

The key to entertaining a large number of children is keeping them BUSY!  This place had games and activities for all ages, so that was a plus!

Roller Skating

There was roller skating for those who were brave enough to try it. I skated years ago but decided it would not be wise to try again. A friend of mine broke her wrist recently while trying to relive her glory days! However, after we left I was sad that I didn’t try and have decided to give it a go (very slowly) the next time the cousins come to visit.

Roller skating


And then there were those who didn’t want to skate but did love the pretty lights and loud music! Honestly there is so much to do at these places (they had bowling too) that it can keep everyone busy and entertained for as long as you can keep up with your little ones!

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  1. Such a clever way to teach little ones how to skate!! Boy I spent hours on skates when I was a kid.

    Thanks for sharing on Oh my Heartsie Girl WW this week!!
    Hope you enjoy your day!

  2. It looks like you had a really fun time. That roller skating looks adventurous!

  3. This looks like a lot of fun. 🙂 Thank you for joining our Oh My Heartsie Girl Wordless Wednesday Link Party.. Have a great day, co-host Evija @Fromevijawithlove xx

  4. Looks so much fun in there! I dont know how you can take care of 15 kids haha I only have one and its hard already =P

  5. The more the merrier I always say especially when it comes to grandkids! Have fun! They are all so lucky to have you invite them to your home.

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