Friday Fun Links – 4th of July Edition
Hey, hey… it’s almost the 4th of July! And around NanaHood this weekend, we’re having one BIG BASH of a time! Teresa has slashed prices in the NanaHood shop by $4.00 (for everything in the shop!), and I have a bunch of fun red, white, and blue themed links for you today.
So, let’s get started with some patriotic fun:
- Definitely check out the NanaHood shop for the big sale… because what’s more American than a holiday sale?
- Jennifer of Adventures in McQuill-land wrote a fun piece over at the HomeSchool Classroom about a new family tradition – making 4th of July t-shirts. You have to check this one out! AND here is a post she wrote just last night about their 2010 T-shirts!
- My family is heading to San Diego for the holiday weekend (HALLELUJAH, it’s COOL there!), so I needed a few car activities for the kids. I found THIS and THIS and THIS
- And even though it’s summertime, I’m still a homeschooling mom, so I downloaded and printed off this patriotic activity book for the kids to put together and work on.
- Martha has been talking ALL week about how we are going to “Diego, but NOT the person” (because, she’s three, so the only Diego SHE knows is Diego from Nick Jr.). I really do think she still expects to SEE Diego the person…in San Diego. So, how funny is it that I found this adorable fan craft for the 4th of July? I’m sorely tempted to make it for her, and REALLY confuse my child.
- And I couldn’t help but link up to a couple more Nick Jr activities for the 4th – Wonder Pets Activity Printable and a State Map placemat.
- When the kids start complaining about how bored they are in the car, we’ll use these State Fun Facts cards to liven things up
- We will of course be going to the beach in San Diego (YAY!), and so I found a couple of fun links for THAT part of our trip. I expect we’ll find a few (hundred) sea shells to bring home, so I’m prepared with two crafts – Personalized Sea Shells and Sea Shell Critters
And it wouldn’t be the 4th of July without REALLY yummy summer foods. Here are a few recipes you might like to try:
- Grilled Corn with three Butter Flavors (YUM)
- Red White and Blue Delight
- Grilled Chicken Bruschetta
- Cherry Pie Cups
- Patriotic Pops
- Red White and Blue Pie
- Watermelon Pop Stars
- Marble Star Cut-outs
- Frosty Fireworks
And now I’m hungry… and ready for the weekend to officially start!
If you are a first time visitor to NanaHood we hope you will stick around awhile and check out the site. There’s lot to see and do and if you are looking to create your own blog, hop on over to and get started! At NanaHood we think that being a grandparent is GRAND and we strive to keep the generations connected by sharing humor, advice, recipes, book and movie reviews and a whole lot of love.
We hope you like what you see and ask that you leave a comment to let us know how we are doing! Thanks and have a great 4th of July with your family and friends!
Teresa and Char
The NanaHood Gang
How precious!
My 6yo recently attended a 3-day geography camp. He came out on the last day talking about this great movie they had watched during the afternoon: “Where is San Diego?” Hmmm… California? “No, Mommy. She was in Europe.” Huh? Oh… Where in the World is Carmen Santiago? “Yes, Mommy. She was in Europe.” Have a safe and happy 4th in San Diego OR Europe… wherever you happen to end up