Even When You Can’t See the Road Ahead, God Can
The Road Ahead
The older I get the easier it is to look behind me and see that my journey is like a neglected back road, littered with the trash of my mistakes. Things I should have done and did not. Things I did do (or say) that I should not have done or said.
When I was young the road ahead seemed exciting and full of possibility. Now that I’m far into my life’s journey what lies ahead feels very different.
Curves, Road Blocks, Potholes
The last two years my path has been rough, rocky and full of potholes. That’s just the way life is sometimes. You are riding along, cruising through life and then WHAM! You get hit by a falling boulder without any warning. You can sit around and ask yourself all sorts of questions and analyze how things could have gone differently. If I was driving faster (or slower) would the boulder have missed me? Why wasn’t there a sign warning people of possible danger ahead? What is it that I should have done to avoid or at least prepare for whatever problem it is I am facing?
There has always been and will always be possible danger ahead and if a boulder hasn’t hit you yet….I’m happy for you but friends, sooner or later we all get hit by something. Trust me on this, when you get hit, you need Jesus.
God Knows
There’s probably a million reasons why God created us with the ability to look behind us but unable to see what lies ahead. One of the biggest reasons (in my humble opinion) is because He wants us to trust Him. He wants us to lean on Him. When we are weak…He is strong.

There are days (like today) when the sun is shining and spring is upon us and I feel His presence in the warmth of the sun and the caress of the wind.
He is with me.
There are days when a cold rain pours down from gray skies that seem to go on forever.
He is with me.
Whatever lies ahead….whether it’s good, bad or somewhere in between,
He is with me.
If you aren’t holding His hand on your walk through life, seek Him in the Bible. He is waiting for you there and even though we can’t see the road ahead, He can and He wants to hold you in the palm of His hand.