Drawing God-Children’s Book Review
Drawing God
Disclaimer-This is a sponsored post but all thoughts and opinions are my own.
When it comes to gift giving and grandchildren there’s nothing I like to give them more than a good book. It’s one of those gifts that just keeps on giving. When my grandchildren like a book they will ask me to read it again and again and I bet yours do too.
The title of this book intrigued me.

It made me wonder just how I would draw God. Before I read the book I didn’t know the answer but I do now. I’ll share that with you in a minute but first, a book review.
The little girl in the story, Emma, is inspired to draw like Picasso after she takes a field trip to the art museum. Emma wants to draw something spectacular and decides to draw GOD. Unfortunately, her classmates can’t see GOD in any of her drawings. Emma keeps trying, drawing different things (each drawing has symbolism and a teachable moment with it) but her friends still don’t see God. Finally Emma prays and asks God for help. She says, “God, please help me draw you, so that my friends can see you.” To Emma’s surprise when she goes back to school she finds all her friends are drawing God and that each and every picture was different.
The author of the book, Karen Kiefer, says, “My hope is that this story brings you continued joy and inspires children to share freely their gifts, their drawings, their light, their bread and their love of God with others. May Drawing God remind them that everyone sees God differently and help them better understand God’s unconditional and endless love.”

In the back of the book there are suggestions on how to incorporate activities and art work with your children or grandchildren after you read the book. I found these suggestions to be a wonderful addition to a sweet story that I know my grandchildren will ask their dad or nana to read again and again.
How I would Draw God
Remember I told you earlier that after I read the book I knew what I would draw?

40 years of family is hard to draw in just one picture….but you get the idea.
You will love the book Drawing God! I give it 5 Nana Stars! You can read more about the book and the author at Drawing-God.com