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  1. We have been to Chicago fairly recently and I saw the Hancock Building from the boat tour, but we didn’t get a chance to go in. The tour guide said Oprah had the whole top floor for her own use at one point. I thought that was richly interesting. 😉

  2. Have never been to Chicago. Looks like a place I would love to visit. Love the view from the building and the little outdoor cafe.
    Thanks for sharing.

  3. Great pics! I’ve never been to Chicago, but my husband lived there for 2 years…I think we’ll need to go one day!

  4. Skyscrapers completely amaze me, and frighten me a bit, too. Glad you shared your nice photos, especially the out door restaurant gardens, wow!

  5. We live about 2 hours from there and go often. It really is one of the best cities. Did you take in a ball game while you were there?

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