By the Sea at Saint Augustine

I have so many photos I want to share with you this week I don’t know where to start! Last week we went to Florida and stayed near Saint Augustine. If you haven’t been there, I encourage you to go.

Horse drawn carriage that almost ran over me!

There’s an old fort there called Castillo de San Marcos that we visited. I love history and thought it was fascinating. You can read about it here:

I was up on the top wall looking down at the court yard when I made this. On the other side of me was the ocean!

We ate dinner at a great restaurant called A1A.

The daughter and I at dinner!

Then we walked around the town square. There was a band playing on the lawn and the weather was perfect for picture making!

Say cheese!

The guys even let us make their picture!

Our boys and their best friend Jesse

The resort where we stayed was awesome.

Hammock Bay Resort

But the most fun was just hanging out at the pool and the beach.

Miss K and her monkey in the cabanna

This was Kennedy’s first trip to the beach.

Isn't she the cutest little bathing beauty?

We had a blast and now I am in recovery mode. Laundry, loads and loads of laundry!

This picture makes you want to pinch her cheeks, doesn't it?

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  1. Yeah, the buggy driver yelled “hey lady get out of the way!” I didn’t even see him!

  2. Awesome photos ~ beautiful family and St Augustine’s was fun place to visit ~ thanks, ^_^ (A Creative Harbor)

  3. Looks like a blast! And yes your granddaughter is definately a bathing beauty 😉


  4. My son was just asking us to take him back to St. Augustine, the town is so magical. Great collage of photos:)

  5. I’ve never been there, but I’ve heard it’s a wonderful place! My roommate that I had a long time ago had been there a lot of times. A place worth seeing for sure!

  6. Looks like you had a great family vacation! It’s always a ton of work when you get home though isn’t it? All that unpacking and laundry……

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