And the Survey Says…

Disclaimer: I’m compensated when I blog for Seniorly. This post is strictly my personal opinion.

If you’ve ever watched Family Feud then you know that it’s based on survey results. But what if the survey wasn’t done for a television show. What if a nana (me) asked 3 of her grandchildren 5 questions and then took their answers and asked a large audience to guess who said what?


That’s what Seniorly (a website I write for) and I did and the results were so much fun that I wanted to tell you just enough about it to get your curiosity going. The 5 questions were made up by me and they were easy because the grandchildren I interviewed aren’t very old.

For example, question number one was, “What’s your favorite dessert?” The answer shown on the survey was, “Anything but raisin or lemon pie.” 62% of respondents got it wrong. Who do you think said it? Nana or one of the grandchildren.

I’m not going to tell you here because then you wouldn’t read the survey and it’s actually quiet fun! I’ll tell you in a minute where you can read it but first some random information about surveys and the Family Feud.

Years ago I was watching the television show. Robert Dawson was the host back then and he asked the two families this question, “What is something parents can never have enough of?”

I had 5 young children at the time and I felt sure I knew the answer. “Money!” I shouted at the television. While that was one of the answers it wasn’t the number one answer. Can you guess what it was?

After I heard the cha-thing and saw the answer I smacked myself on the forehead. Of course, I thought, that makes sense. Why didn’t I think of that? The number one answer was “Patience.” See, I told you it makes sense but I didn’t think of it at the time.

Anyway, surveys are a fun way to find out if the rest of the world (or a percentage of them) think like you do. To see the results of the nana and grandchild survey click here.

I think you will enjoy reading it. While you are there tell the folks at Seniorly I sent you and check out what they are all about. They are a great group of people.

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One Comment

  1. As I read the nana and grandchild survey I was reminded of Art Linkletter and his “Kids Say the Darndest Things” interviews. They were always delightful and often hysterical. Thanks for bringing back some cherished memories.

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