
Monday Photos and a Blog Hop

Monday Photos

I didn’t share any photos last week and I missed connecting with my blogger friends. I’m back this week and ready to share what I have been up to and hope you will share and link up!

Monday photos

When I say “up” I mean way up high! That’s not me on top though, it’s my son. I happened to be across the road at our church and when I saw where my son was my heart went up in my throat. I am not a fan of heights. I watched (and prayed) and he got down safely.

Monday photos

One of my granddaughters decided our Cocker needed a pony tail. I was walking through the house and when I saw her I burst out laughing.

Monday photos

If you are not a farmer you may not appreciate this photo. Two of our sons are grain farmers and I made this picture of their “toys.”

Monday photos

I have this thing about sunsets; I just love watching them. I might like sunrises too if they didn’t happen so early in the morning. Also, the gold stuff in this picture is Goldenrod and it’s Kentucky’s state flower. I am very allergic to it but I do think it’s pretty.

How was your week? Show me your Monday photos and tell me what you have you been up to!

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  1. I’m not a farmer, but I still appreciate those beautiful pictures and seeing the farm machinery. (We did grow up in the Palouse Country in Eastern Washington State … wheat country! I miss seeing those golden fields sometimes.). And speaking of Golden… Yellow flowers are my favorites *except* for goldenrod and Scotch broom which grow wild everywhere it seems here in western Oregon … because of the allergies! (They’re also invasive here … not native.)

  2. Yikes on that climb. I would have been breathless until he came back down.

    Love that pony tail on the pup. So cute.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous day. ?

  3. Hi Joyce! So nice to hear from you. What a thoughtful, interesting comment. I appreciate it so much. My husband is from Michigan (Pinckney) and I’m sure would love to see your photos. As for the sniffles, so ready for cooler weather (97 here today) and rain!

  4. Your pictures are lovely, Teresa. I’m not a fan of heights either; I get disturbed just watching someone else up high so I feel your pain. 🙂 Great picture though with the cemetery in the foreground!

  5. There are lots of goldenrod here, too, which are making me sneeze!

    Your son’s jobs look demanding but so necessary to feed the nation. Hope they will stay safe!

  6. If that were my son, I’d not have a picture – I wouldn’t be able to look that long! Whew! But what’s even more intriguing to me is the juxtaposition of the century old cemetery with the modern gleam of farming progress. Fascinating shot!
    My sweet rescue, Roxie, allows herself to be decorated for every holiday with the same semi-worried/tolerant expression! How nice to have your hair done by a pint size beautician who makes home visits!
    I’m impressed with the “toys.” Always amazed at how HUGE those things are and how much manual labor they save.
    Most of my sunsets are over sand on the shores of Lake Michigan. Yours is a very calming perspective on another stretch of our beautiful country – “for amber waves of grain….” (well, okay….”goldenrod”….which also gives me the sniffles!)

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