Exciting Announcement…
Howdy NanaHood readers! It’s Char writing today (I’m the gal behind the scenes around here), with a very special, exciting, woohoo kind of announcement!
Back, lo those many months ago (ok, just a few months), Teresa and I brainstormed a bit about what she would like to see happen with NanaHood. The most important concept that came up every time we talked was the idea of COMMUNITY.
Teresa never wanted this NanaHood blog/site to be JUST about her. It’s a place for ALL Nanas and Grandmas and Moms (and maybe a few Papas and Grandpas) to hang out, enjoy, and chat with each other about life, the kids, and the grandkids.
In those early days, we batted around the idea of offering “Nana Blogs” to anyone who wanted one. And in the midst of getting a lot of other things going, that idea went on the back burner because it was more than we (I) could handle. But, a couple of weeks ago we decided to pull that pot out and stir it up a bit. (Am I annoying anyone yet – the point of this post is coming – I promise!)
SO…after that little long explanation… I’d like to introduce you to the newest part of the NanaHood community/site. It’s actually a SECOND website, and we’re calling it our “sister” site.
Please join us in checking out theNanaBlogs.com!!
It looks a lot like the NanaHood website, but don’t be confused. Over at theNanaBlogs.com, YOU can have a blog! (Aren’t you excited? We sure are!)
And the best news? You can have a blog… for FREE!
We realize there are lots of other options on the Internet for creating a blog, but only ONE place offers what we hope to offer – and that’s a community of NANA Bloggers!
You will also have something else at theNanaBlogs that you can’t get anywhere else, and that’s Teresa…and me. We both want to encourage you in your blogging efforts, especially if you are new to blog-land, and we want to help you as you figure out all this techy-bloggy stuff! And if you are interested in an upgrade or two (like a custom header or special design), those are available too, for really affordable prices.
So, go check out theNanaBlogs.com. Sign up for a FREE blog if you want one, and then come back here and post a comment or send us an email with your new blog link. (If you don’t know how to do that, don’t worry – we’ll be sharing all kinds of good How-To info over at theNanaBlogs over the coming days and weeks).
We want to build this NanaBlog community, and we can’t do it without you! Won’t you join us?
Oh, and if you already HAVE a blog? Great! Be sure to send an email so we can add you to our list of links both here at NanaHood and over on theNanaBlogs website.
Now, what are you still doing here? Go… get a blog already!