
Cute Clothes for Grandchildren

This is a sponsored post but the opinions are strictly my own. I was not paid but I did receive merchandise. #Ad 

As a nana I am always on the look out for cute clothes for my grandchildren. If my husband and I go to a mall and he sees a children’s shop he will do his best to steer me away from it because he knows I adore buying clothes for grandchildren. It’s more fun than buying for myself.

ZAZA COUTURE is a Dallas based company that specializes in very cool contemporary clothes. They are colorful and fun and I fell in love with their clothes the minute I saw them!  The clothes were soft and comfortable and the girls didn’t even mind the headbands! In fact, they loved the clothes so much they insisted on wearing them even when I told them they could go put their play clothes back on. Notice the little furry purse that one of my granddaughters is wearing (it came with the outfit). She went to her Poppa and ask him for some money to put in it. He gave her one dollar and she saw his money clip. “Poppa,” she shouted, “I need many moneys!” He laughed and gave her brother and cousin one dollar too.


Zaza Couture 1

Are these not some of the most adorable clothes (and grandchildren) you have ever seen? The leggings for one of the girls were white and the other was black with white spots. I loved them both. The cuffs of Little Man’s pants were striped and matched his shirt. He loved the train on the front and so did we!

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Trying to capture three little munchkins who wanted to go play was not easy. Getting them to sit totally still was impossible!

Zaza Couture

I especially had trouble with Little Man. He wouldn’t take the pacifier out of his mouth and we finally had to let him go!

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And then there was one little monkey….

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She loves having her picture made and I think she would have posed all day!

Wild Child

Well, maybe not ALL day, but at least for awhile longer!

These clothes are so cute that the pictures just don’t do them justice. The fabrics are bright and detailed and feel so soft to the touch. Please take a moment to check Zaza Couture out and tell them NanaHood sent you!

And enter our contest! One lucky person in the United States will win one girl’s Zaza Couture outfit! The outfit will not necessarily be the outfits pictured here. It will be determined based on size and availability of the winner. They have sizes 6 months to 12 years. Enter now!

See Zaza Couture on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram. This is a Blog Hop my friends! Do link up! Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.

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