2020 is almost here. What changes (if any) are you making?

2020 is almost here

Every year about this time we look in the mirror and think, I’ve gained weight. This year I’m going to diet and exercise more. Or, this year I want a new job, a new house, a new car.

Or maybe you just order pizza and watch a football game on television.

Some of us do want to make changes and some of us don’t.  Some of us want a lot of stuff and some of us are at the stage in life where we find ourselves wishing we didn’t have so much stuff and wondering how we can downsize. We are all different.

Something to Think About

Tonight I watched a segment on the nightly news about a man from Texas who drives a school bus. His name is Curtis and you can watch his video here. (The ad in front of the video is 11 seconds, it’s irritating but keep watching. You will be glad you did.)

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So whats my point? Whether you want to make major changes or maintain the status quo in 2020, we could all use a big dose of what Curtis has…a “Bloom Where You Are Planted” attitude.

2020 is almost here.

What if?

What if no matter what our job was we performed beyond what was expected? What if we brought as much joy and energy to our job as we do to our passions?

The University of Kentucky basketball team played the University of Louisville team today. Kentucky takes basketball very seriously. People were screaming, yelling, cheering….they were enthusiastic! They were passionate and they loved every minute of the competition, even though we all knew only one team could win.

I’m not suggesting that we jump up and down, scream, or do cart wheels on the job (unless you are a professional cheerleader.) What I am suggesting is that if we all found ways to be more like Curtis, not only would we be happier, but our attitude might rub off on the people around us.

What if our positive attitude changed the attitudes of our co-workers or customers? I know the children who ride Curtis’s bus have had their lives changed because of his attitude. Happiness, love and being positive can chip away at fear, loneliness, bitterness and indifference until eventually they break through walls and bring smiles.

2020 is almost here.

There’s a man at our church who does our announcements. He reminds us of the sick and those in need of prayer and before he closes he always says, “And pray for the person sitting next to you, beside you, and in front of you. You never know what another person is going through.” Truth. And to keep it relative to this post…you never know what each child on your bus or in your classroom is going through either.

I don’t know if this post made you think about anything other than which basketball team won, (Spoiler….UK). But I think we all could learn a lot from Curtis. Watch the video again….look at his smile, look at the smiles of the kids on his bus.

And in 2020 go Bloom Where You Are Planted.  Who knows, you might just change the world!

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