Missing My Grandmother

This year, my grandmother is weighing on my mind. She died last summer so this is the first time in my life I didn’t get her a gift on Mother’s Day. It was the first year my girls didn’t make her cards or go to color with her. Although she was 94 years old when she died, it doesn’t make it any easier. There is still an empty space that no one else will ever fill. That’s mainly because grandmothers are so very important.

Why Grandmothers are Special

Grandmothers always seem to have the patience that mothers don’t. Being a mother now I can tell you that is the absolute truth! I don’t know where they get it from, but grandmothers are able to stay calm even during the worst temper tantrums that would have any mother running for the door.

Grandmothers let you get away with just about anything! I remember my grandmother letting me eat things I “shouldn’t.” I remember her buying me the silliest toys that my mother would never spend one cent on. That’s just what grandmothers do.

Grandmothers are the ultimate “fixers.” When my favorite Ken doll somehow became split in two my grandmother want into MacGyver mode and managed to wire his torso to his legs. With a little electrical tape as a corset, he was good as new. So good, in fact, that he lasted more than 30 years. My girls still play with this “broken” Ken.

Grandmothers have a way of making it all better. I don’t know how they do it, but they do. They always seem to have the right words at the right time no matter the situation.

Grandmothers make the same dish ten times better than your mother. No matter how you try to duplicate a recipe, it never comes out as good. It must be all that special “grandma” love they put into their food. Or perhaps the fact that they’re not yelling at the kids or packing tomorrow’s lunch while cooking dinner and unloading the dishwasher… all at the same time.

Grandmothers will play with you all the time. My grandmother would play endless games of “Monopoly” and “Life” with me. Although she complained about it years later, at the time, she would just go with it. She pretended to thoroughly enjoy each game. I see my girls do the same thing to my mother. They play restaurant and school for hours on end. My mother is always the happy customer or student no matter how many rounds they go.

Grandmothers always seem to have time for you. Don’t get me wrong, moms always have time for their kids too. But, grandmothers have that time that seems to never end.

Grandmothers just rock. Simply put. Mine sure did. So, give those grandmothers some extra recognition. They sure do deserve it. As we all know, they won’t be here forever.


This is a guest post by-

Kristina from The Mommy Run Down

Kristina Cappetta is an Emmy nominated TV News Producer turned freelance writer and stay-at-home mom to two beautiful girls. Besides writing for various sites, she hosts her own blog, The Mommy Rundown, where she shares everything from funny parenting stories and advice to product reviews and giveaways.  When she’s not writing, Kristina likes to read and catch up on her DVR shows! Follow her on Twitter and Facebook!

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  1. Thank you for commenting Jena! I’m sorry I missed your comment and just now found it. My apologies!

  2. Lovely post! I remember that my grandparents liked to play cards with us- but you had to be on your toes- it was serious! You think those day will never end. Thanks for bringing back some memories!

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