Alpaca Farm Visit
Alpaca Farm Visit
Alpacas are not llamas. They are related, but they are very different. Llamas are bigger, about twice the size of an alpaca, with an average weight of about 250 to 450 pounds. Llamas are good for guarding herds of sheep or alpacas, but alpacas are primarily raised for their soft and fluffy fleece. I can’t describe the way it feels. It is beyond soft.
It rained the day we visited the farm and the animals were not sure about strangers coming in their house/barn. When I finally did get to touch one I couldn’t believe how soft they were. The deeper you feel into their fur the softer it gets.
They are very much herd animals and where one goes, so do the others. They also all poop in one spot which makes for easy cleanup but is sort of gross.
Two of them got into a spitting fight while we were there. They spit at each other and the loser gets a mouth full of nasty spit. Is that gross or what?
My husband bought me some socks that were woven with yarn made from Alpaca fiber. They are the warmest (most expensive) socks I have ever owned.
Fun Facts About Alpacas
Life Span: 15- 20+ years
Height: 32″- 39″ at the shoulder
Birth Weight: 10 – 17 pounds
Adult Weight: 100 – 190 pounds
It isn’t easy being an Alpaca-
After the Spanish conquered the Incas , alpacas were close to annihilation. Prized for almost 5000 years as a source of high quality fibre, the animal was seen by the Spaniards as a competitor for their sheep grazing lands. The alpaca became a source of meat for them and was killed almost to the point of extinction.
While they are not an endangered animal today there still aren’t that many of them. From what I could find there are 191,052 registered alpacas in the world. That’s really not that many.
Have you ever touched an alpaca? Were you surprised by the softness of their fibre?
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Yes Joanna, it’s expensive!
Oh yes, the cost!! I bought myself a double sided wrap that I just love but it almost gave me palpitations to spend that much on any one clothing item.
We had an Alpaca farm around the corner from us. They are an interesting animal. And…oh so soft.
…just BE.
Yes they are cool!
Now you have learned something!
Yes, they are!
Yes, it’s nasty!
I agree Kristen!
Ususally they just spit at each other, not people. So that’s unusal!
Yes they have great fibre!
They are spitters!
They look kind of adorable but I think looks can be deceptive
I’ve always found alpaca to be very interesting creatures. And their wool makes really nice sweaters! Have a great week!
I think Alpacas are adorable–I would have a farm in a minute…but, my oldest daughter always tells the story of her freshman math teacher braving a spitting alpaca (repeatedly and rather violently) during a farm tour….so I don’t think there is a farm in my future.
They are so cute! I love the photographs…they almost look sad because of the rain.
Beautiful photos. My Daughter loves Llamas and collects everything with them on. I always joke with her, that she is a drama llama
Although You mentioned these are not Llamas she would also love them as they are very similar
I will have to mention to her about there spiting /fighting habits.
Yes I’ve petted alpacas and seen them a few times in Hood River. Bought some yarn that’s mixed with alpaca to make slippers for my husband some day. Pretty animals they are!
I had a sweater with Alpaca yarn and it was expensive and beautiful. I didn’t know they spit or that they all poop in the same place that is funny. lol
There was an alpaca farm we went to last spring/early summer. I loved it so much!
They are so sweet, feel cool, and are unique looking.
They are cute!
They are interesting!
You too Patrick!
Thank you. I thought so too!
These are getting haircuts next week!
What a coincidence! I visited an alpaca farm two weeks ago. The only difference is that the ones I visited had very modern haircuts. I didn’t know they were on the brings of extinction.
They are so so cute!
Very interesting facts, thanks for teaching me about alpacas. Love your pics. Thanks for hosting and I hope you have a wonderful week.
I have noticed that alpacas are getting popular these days. I have never met one but I would love too after reading about them here!
What an interesting post they look so cute heheh! interesting about their fur too
Have an Alpacatastic week
Alpaca’s are a cute animal, love the white one. I have felt yarn made from alpaca fibre and its wonderfully soft.
Hope you have a wonderful week!
I’ve never seen an alpaca or llama up close!
Love your alpaca photos, Teresa.
You are very welcome! Thanks for stopping by today!
Yes they do!
Unless they spit!
Yes, it’s unbelievably soft!
There is an alpaca farm near where we live. It is cool to go by and see them outside. The fur is soooooo soft.
Thanks for sharing the numbers.
So gorgeous!!
I’ve always wanted to meet an alpaca in person – they have sweet faces.
There is an alpaca farm near the lake where we spend time in the summer. I’ve never been there, but this encourages me to go. Thanks for sharing about these unique creatures.