Would You Drive This To Work?
It’s Wordless Wednesday and time for a photo that somehow speaks to the audience without words. Once again I just can’t show you pictures without explaining where they come from.
I have spent a lot of time at the vet’s office lately. The other day while I was there a lady pulled up in a rather unusual van. I couldn’t resist making pictures with my phone.
The windows on the van were down and it was blasting patriotic music.

What’s up with strange vehicles lately? Last week it was the Toilet Truck, now this. Can’t wait to see what turns up next week!
Awww come on. You know you’d love to give it a spin!
Awwww, sorry about that! Come back and visit again soon. I promise not to scare or scar you again!
Yep, just a tad! Blessings to you and come back soon!
Thanks for the visit! Come back soon!
Bet it would look great decorated for Christmas!
Thanks for letting me host!
Lit up? You’re kidding, right? Two of them, You’re kidding about that too, right? lol, I know you aren’t
If she ever sells that van I bet you could get a really good deal on it. I sympathize with you on being without a car. There was a time when I didn’t have a car and I eventually borrowed an old car that my grandfather had driven, parked and birds nested in it. It was rough looking but it moved…too fast sometimes. When I hit the gas I would give myself whiplash. Not sure what kind of motor was in it but it was very powerful!
No, but she was smoking a cigar!
You are so right. I stared at it forever and still couldn’t see everything!
Me either! Thanks for the visit!
Thanks for the comment Deb and I agree with ya!
I guess that’s one way to ensure that no one will steal your car!
I’d absolutely drive that to work, once, if someone gave me lots of money for doing so!
That is definitely interesting! Not sure I’d want to drive it though…
Whoa! One could spend countless hours just looking at this vehicle and reading, and still not be sure they’ve spotted EVERYTHING on that van!
Now, I’m as patriotic as the next person…but in a normal way. Was she wearing “flag clothes” as well??
I have been without a vehicle for a little more than a year, and desperately miss drivings. That said I would absolutely drive this.
This is the eagle one she also has a angle van too! Looks pretty much the same. I have seen it go pass my mom’s at night and it is all lit up!!!!
Wow! I drive that kind of van (Nissan Quest), but mine looks a little different
Thanks for Guest hosting Tiggerific Tuesday this week!
That’s a lot of ‘machine’ to drive ~ Great photo ~ thanks ^_^ Carol
(A Creative Harbor)
Weird and wonderful .
But no i doubt it.
happy ww , thanks for linking up.
oh, my how strange
scared and
scarred at the same time.
uhmm let me think about it first LOL!
Oh that is funny and weird!
Following from Tiggerific Tuesday bloghop!
The Twerp and I
too funny!