Wordless Wednesday and Wisdom

Grandmother Wisdom: Last Wednesday I shared some of my grandmother’s advice about what to do with pennies, this week I’m sharing something a reader sent in.
My grandmother had a saying that went,”Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise”. I surely didn’t inherit that trait because I am not a morning person! Even though the place I work requires me to be there at 7:00 am, I have never truly adjusted to it even after 20 years. I do my best work in the afternoons and evenings. So even though I have to force myself to “rise early” to get to work, maybe that will account for something in the old saying that she had. Always enjoy your stories on Nanahood!
Lee Ann
Thanks, Lee Ann! How about you? What piece of advice did your grandmother share with you? Send it in to me at te****@na******.com
Blessings to you,
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